(1D) You Secretly Like Eachother

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You Secretly Like Eachother

Zayn: "Not now Zayn they could see us," you say moving away. "Just one more kiss please," he says pouting his lips. "Just one," you say before kissing him. None of the boys knew you and Zayn liked each other, so you didn't want them to see you kissing. "Hey, mate we're going to be late," Liam says referring to a meeting they had. "I'll meet you guys there, yeah?" "Just don't be late," he says with a weird expression on his face. Once he left Zayn wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you closer before he kissed you once more. "Don't be late Zayn," you both hear Liam say before leaving. "Got it Liam," Zayn says irritated because he can't kiss you.

Liam: Liam's birthday was coming up, and he was throwing himself a party. You were over his house planning out his party when he closed his laptop and looked at you. "Y/N?" he asked. "Yeah," you say looking up from yours. "Umm... well I thought maybe we can finally tell everyone that I love you," he says with a grin. You had been best friends for years now, and everyone thought you'd end up together. "I would love too, but I don't think I'm ready just yet," you replied, "I love you too, just wait a little longer, please." "Sure," he says kissing your cheek and opening his laptop again.

Harry: "I have to cover it up for you," you say noticing the hickey you left on his neck. You and Harry have been going out for almost 6 months, but neither fans or the boys knew about it. "It looks nice, babe," Harry says with a chuckle. You still weren't ready to publicise your relationship, so you tried your best to keep it a secret. "Keep still Harry." "Who cares if they see the hickey," he says standing up. "I do," you replied with a more serious tone. "Fine, I'm only doing this for you, babe but I think 6 months is more than enough time," he says kissing you after you finished covering his hickeys.

Louis: Louis and you both liked each other but kept it a secret from the boys. Louis was always pulling pranks on you and teasing you to make it seem like he didn't like you. That is until one day he went to far and actually hurt your feelings. "How can you guys like Y/N, like she's clingy and stuff," he says making the boys a bit mad. "Louis if you don't like her that's fine with us, but dont say things like that, go and say sorry," Liam tells him. "So you think I'm clingy," you say obviously hurt. "I'm sorry I said that love, it's just hard to hide how much I like you, do you forgive me?" he says kissing you. "Only because I like you and you didn't really mean it."

Niall: "Niall?" Liam calls after him, "Niall, mate is everything alright?" It was evident Niall was jealous of you dancing with other guys but since you decide to keep that you liked each other a secret he couldn't do anything about it. "Yeah, everything's fine," he says not taking his eyes off of you. After a while you walked back to him, where he was more jealous than ever. "You know it's hard to hide how jealous I am," he says trying to put an arm around you. "Don't worry I won't go anymore." "Thank you or I would've done something about it babe," he says holding your hand.

credits to malikzapper

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