(5SOS) Fans Ask About You

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Fans Ask About You


Ashton: You weren’t around at the moment, Ashton in Australia and you in America. But you’d be flying down soon enough! Ashton and Calum were together and simply roaming the streets, taking in the changes that had been made and grinning at the things that hadn’t changed whatsoever. In the middle of a conversation, Ashton felt a light tap on his shoulder and as he spun around, he became face to face with a little girl; most likely eight or nine. “Hello!” He greeted with the usual wide eyed smile. “Hi! Can I get a picture with you!” She squeaked, though her nervous smile grew when he shook his head yes. Ashton picked her up and held her as if it were nothing and Calum walked towards the other side before they heard the faint snap of the camera. “Thanks! Can I have one more... and can you kiss me right here?” She innocently questioned, poking both of her cheeks. “Or will (Y/N) get mad at me?” She added, the boys’ laughter gaining volume. “No, she won’t get mad,” Ashton answered as both boys kissed each cheek. “You guys are the best! Thanks!” She giggled as Ashton placed her on her feet.


Calum: You were standing side stage, watching as the boys played another set. Your eyes gazed over each boy individually before they fixated on your boyfriend, Calum. You stood with a smile on your face as they finished. “WHY IS (Y/N) ALWAYS BACK STAGE?” You heard a fan yell, a deep blush making it’s way up your neck. Calum turned his head to look at you before slinging his bass off of his shoulders and handing it to Luke, a devious smirk on his face as he ran side stage. “Cal, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” You squealed as he took your wrists and pulled you out into the spotlight. “Just say hi or something!” He shrugged as he pulled you to the left where his microphone was. The fans were going wild and you could feel your legs go weak beneath you. “Hi? I, um, I’ve never been on a stage before so this is all sort of new to me? I don’t really know what to say- Cal, can I go backstage now?” You mumbled, pouting at your boyfriend as he giggled, pecking your lips before nodding. “You’re an idiot,” you giggled, lightly slapping his chest and walking off stage, waving a goodbye to the crowd. “That’s why she’s always backstage. Okay..next song..”

Luke: There was an obvious pain look in Luke’s eyes, the bright and the happiness that shined in them suddenly replaced with depression and agony. You both had broken up the night before due to the fact that the two of you had a huge fight. You grabbed most of your things, informed him that you would be back later for the rest of your belongings, and left. You simply left Luke all alone and he hasn’t been himself since. “Did something happen between you and (Y/N)? Her tweets have been really depressing lately..” a fan pointed out as she walked next to Luke. He was out for the day with the band, when in all honesty he just wanted to at home. With you. “She’s tweeted? What has she said?” Luke questioned, his attention given to the fan. “Stuff like ‘it was a mistake’ and ‘I miss you’. Stuff like that. You should probably call her up, I mean you guys are dating,” she rambled. Luke nodded his head before saying a quick “thank you” and informing everyone else that he had to leave early. He had business that he needed to settle, and that was getting you back.

Michael: "I’m confused, are you guys dating or what?" The fan straight out asked, her hands on her hips as she stared up at him. Michael looked down at her with a light blush and a nervous smile. It was true, you guys were dating, but he didn’t want the world to know just yet. "Um, no, we’re not. We’re really good friends-" "I’m calling bullshit, every celebrity says that and then within the next month, they say shit like ‘Oh yeah, we’ve been dating for months now’." Michael nodded, understanding where she was coming from. "So? Are you dating or what?" The fan taunted once more, poking his stomach. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unsure of whether to come out about it now or later. "You can’t tell anybody, okay? And if it gets out, I’m blaming you. But yes, we’ve been dating for a while now," he confirmed, whispering in her ear about the fact. She squealed happily, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. "Good! You guys are my OTP," she stated excitedly, earning a laugh from him.

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