(5SOS) He Comes Home To See Your Baby Bump For First Time

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He Comes Home To See Your Baby Bump For First Time

Calum: Unfortunately Calum had missed the majority of your pregnancy. He left when you were just 3 months pregnant and here you were, just two days away from your due date. You paced back and forth in the airport, his family surrounding you, telling you to relax, but you felt the need to walk until you saw him again. The last time he was you, you didn't even have a slight pudge and now you were huge like the earth and his face when he saw you after so long, he had tears falling from his eyes as he gently touched your baby bump. "It's really real and so close to the end already." you nodded. "Yeah, but, she's kicking for you, you feel that?" he nods and kisses you. "I just got to see this big belly and it's going to be gone before I know it."

Michael: His hands roamed around your belly, not taking his hands off. "Michael, this bump isn't going anywhere anytime soon, I've still got a few months to go." you say quietly and he just shakes his head as he rests his head against your stomach. "When I left, your stomach was flat, and now it's out there, and I don't want to miss a moment of it, (YN)." You giggle and Michael's head lifts up at that. "When you giggled, I think the baby kicked." he says and you giggle again and sure enough you feel your baby kicking. "That's our baby Michael, all safe and warm and content in my big big belly!" Michael's laughter joined yours as he placed his hands firmly on each side of your belly. "Yeah, this is our baby. Can't wait to see you!"

Ashton: He fell to his knees as soon as he saw your larger baby belly after being on tour for the past few months. "Look at you." he breathes out as you walk closer to him. "I know, i'm huge now." He smiled. "You're huge with our baby inside of you, this is incredible. I didn't know how big you'd get while i was gone, you look amazing." he says and you smile at him. "The belly's a bit too big for my liking, but it's for the baby, so I know it's okay." Ashton stands up, looking down at your belly that now separates the two of you from being as close as normal. "Baby's already in the way huh?" he jokes and you nod as you wrap your arms around his neck. "Yeah, but I'm not complaining, are you?" Ashton shook his head. "No, I have no reason to complain. The woman I love is carrying my baby, nothing could be better then this moment."

Luke: Both you and his mother had told him how your belly was growing quite quickly and it never stayed the same for more then a few days and all you wore were his shirts that he left behind and even those were getting tight around your stomach. He walked into the house, his mother behind him. "See Luke, we tried telling you that the belly was huge!" Liz says as Luke kneels down next to you where you're asleep on the couch. "These shirts are normally huge on her." he says and you wake up from your nap to look into his eyes. "Normally yes, but now that i'm carrying your babies, not so much." "Babies?" he asks and you look at Liz. "You didn't tell him?" She shook her head. "I thought you'd want to." You nod and place both of Luke's hands on each side of your belly. "Baby number one over here and baby number two over there."

(cred: mixingnialler)

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