(5SOS) Don't...

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Ashton: “Don’t be that way” He pleads to you as you stare angrily ahead. He had made a joke that offended you, and now you weren’t talking to him. “Aw, c’mon Y/N. It was joke. You always laugh at my jokes!” He says trailing his fingertips up and down along the length of your arm. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. You were highly ticklish and he knew it. “The ticklings not going to work, huh? We’ll try a joke then. What does a nosy pepper do?” He waits a moment before saying the punchline. “Gets jalapeno business!” He says before collapsing into giggles.You do nothing but role your eyes. “C’mon! That was funny! Fine, what did the O say to the Q? Hey, put that thing back in your trousers!” You let out a small laugh and pray he didn’t hear it. “Was that a laugh I heard? Talk to me Y/N!” Before you can even think about answering him, he’s tackled you down on the couch, and he’s attacking your sides  ”Ash, stop!” You yell trying to get his hands away from you. “Knew I could get you to talk to me.” He smiles at you, before pecking your cheek. “You’re such a dork!” You smile. “You love me anyway.”  ”That I do.”

Luke: "Don’t open that!" He yells at you and snatches the laptop from you. “It was labeled my name! Can you at least tell me what it is?” You ask giving him the puppy dog eyes. You were writing a paper on Luke’s laptop, and you got sidetracked going through his files. When you found one with your name, you tried to open it but Luke wouldn’t let you. “It’s…a song…that I wrote for you..and recorded..” He says rubbing his neck awkwardly. “Why can’t I listen?” You ask. “It was supposed to be an anniversary surprise but you ruined it.” He answers. “Awh, Luke. I’m sorry, you know how I am. If you don’t want me to listen to it I won’t.” You say guiltily. “No, you can listen to it now. I just don’t want you to think I’m stupid.” You laugh and shake your head, “I’d never think that, Luke. I love you and I love that you wrote me a song.” You say with a smile. “Love you too.”

Michael:"Don’t believe a word they say." He says as you cry into his chest. You had just checked your mentions on twitter and some people were saying horrible things about you. And after reading some of the same type of comments over and over you were beginning to believe it. You were standing in nothing but a bra and panties as your stared at your reflection with tears in your eyes. When Michael came in to find you, he made you talk to him. After voicing all your thoughts to him, and telling him that you believed the things they were saying, he held onto you and assured you they were not.

Calum: "Don’t you cry no more!" You were on a road trip with Calum when ‘Carry on my wayward son’ came on. He had insisted on yelling the song at the top of his lungs, practically making your ears bleed. “Oh my god, shut up Cal!” You say putting you hand to your forehead. “No, sing with me Y/N!” “No!” “Yes!” You roll your eyes at him, but once the chorus starts back up again you join in, and sing at the top of your lungs. “CARRY ON MY WAYWARD SON, THERE’LL BE PEACE WHEN YOU ARE DONE, LAY YOUR WEARY HEAD TO REST, DONT YOU CRY NO MORE!”

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