(1D) You're in School Together and You Help Him Out

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You're in School Together and You Help Him Out       

Liam: He was sitting alone in the library, staring at his laptop screen, his headphones in, and tapping a pen against his textbook. “Any luck so far?” You dropped into the chair opposite him, placing the coffees down in front of you. He shook his beanie-covered head and took out his headphones where you could hear faint traces of Jay-Z coming from them. “How did you finish this so fast? I don’t understand any of it.” Your eyes followed his movements as he looked back down at the Shakespearean words printed in the book and rubbed his stubbly jaw. “Here, ‘First, as I am his kinsman and his subject,’ what does that mean?” You moved around the table to sit beside him. Slowly, you managed to work your way through the rest of the first act of Macbeth, helping him to better understand it.

Harry: It all started out as you just being nice and not having the guts to turn him down. He lived down the hall and was good friends with your university roommate so when the time approached when he would be heading home for the holidays, you had to hear all about how his ex-girlfriend. How she was probably going to be at his house a lot since she was an old family friend and how she would probably try and make a move on him even though he was so far over her it was like she’d never existed. Finally, your roommate got the idea that ‘hey, Y/N was just going to stay here, why doesn’t she go home with you and pretend to be your girlfriend?’ Harry didn’t object to that one bit, and, as stated far above, you were too nice to tell him no. So soon you were in his home, meeting his family, his ex girlfriend, his friends. It was weird being introduced as his girlfriend when you didn’t really know him all that well, but the weirdest part was being forced to share a bed with him. By the end of the holidays, everything had changed, as you’d both decided to make the lie a truth and see where it could go. 

Niall: "When you finish the test take something out to work silently." The calculus teacher instructed as she sat down at her desk, finished passing out the papers. You heard the boy beside you sigh and you glanced over at him, recognizing that look of pure confusion on his face as the numbers and letters and symbols swam on the paper in front of him. Slowly, student by student walked up to the teacher to hand in their test, until it was only the blonde boy left. His fingers were buried in his hair and he was chewing on his nails. The bell rang and he still wasn’t finished, half the page left empty. You were slow gathering your things together, finally as you stood up to leave, the teacher called you over to her desk. "Y/N’s very good at this, she’ll be happy to help you, Niall. Right, Y/N?" She asked, giving you that look that let you know that it would give you the extra credit that you’d begged for a few days earlier. "Right, of course. I’ll be glad to help you, Niall. Anytime." He smiled shyly, his cheeks turning pink.

Louis: He hadn’t even done anything when someone shoved into him in the hallway a bit too hard. People always felt the need to be rough with him since he was the outspoken short boy who wasn’t afraid to fight. That time was one of those times. His books had fallen from his arms and he was having none of that. Lou spun around to the guy that had just elbowed him, rage turning his vision red and then he was on the guy, pushing and punching and the other dude wasn’t holding back either. Of course, no one even tried to stop it until you got there a second later, jumping into the flurry of fists, grabbing on to Louis’ arm. “Lou! Louis, it’s me. Stop it, okay!” You grabbed both of his arms, dragging him away and then pushing him in front of you through the crowd that had gathered. He was still fuming when you got him into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. His nose was bleeding and there was a bruise already forming on his jaw. “Please tell me you have all of your teeth.” He nodded. “‘M sorry, love. I just lost my temper.” “You can’t let the assholes get to you.” You spent the next half hour in the bathroom, trying to clean him up until the teachers came looking to punish him for instigating a fight.

Zayn: You’d been waiting outside his flat for almost five minutes now and it was freezing and you were about to leave when finally he opened the door, a bright smile on his face. “Hey, Y/N, thanks for doing this.” A smudged black spot was smeared across his cheek and you noticed that his hands were covered in pencil stains as well. “I was about to leave; it’s freaking cold out there. Where do you want me?” You walked into his art room, taking off your scarf and coat. He’d called you over to ask you to be his model for a piece of artwork he was trying to get done for a class. “On the sofa and act natural, but don’t move.” You laughed, “Right, ‘cause that’s natural.” You situated yourself there with your legs stretched out along the cushions, your arm propping up your head. “Draw me like one of your French girls, Zayn.” He chuckled, keeping his eyes on the drawing pad in front of him. “Be serious, babe.” It took forever and the sun was setting, casting pale orange stripes of light across the floor and onto your body. “You almost done yet, Malik? I’m getting bored.” He bit his lip, his thickly-lashed eyes looking up at you one final time with a smile that could’ve stopped your heart. “Perfection takes time, Y/N. It might take forever to get the drawing to do you any justice.” A rush of heat to your cheeks accompanied his words.

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