(1D) You're Semi-Famous and He's a Fanboy

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You're Semi-Famous and He's a Fanboy

Zayn: Went to the best concert ever last night… (Y/N) smashed it! Gonna have to make her give me lessons on how to reach a high note like that @(Y/T/N) :D

You read the tweet over and over again, your blush only intensifying the more you read it. Your fellow band mates had been teasing you about it all morning and you were still in shock. Your celebrity crush had just tweeted about you. He had gone to your show last night. Your band was only just making it big, selling out a few venues and going on brief, local tours. This was your first time traveling out of the country, with your first stop being London. What a lucky break that was. “I didn’t even know he was a fan,” you mumbled, biting at your lip. How were you going to respond? Did you have to respond? Of course you did, everyone was freaking out.

Thanks for coming to the show!! Would’ve been so great to meet you. Maybe we can have a high note battle someday (: @zaynmalik

“Holy shit, I just tweeted back,” you shrieked, and off you guys went on another freak-out. Zayn had never tweeted back and your excitement faded slightly as the day wore on. Your next show was going to be in Glasgow and then you were off to Ireland and then Australia, and then back home. You had more to think about then a tweet and a surprising amount of fan responses. You were already at the venue and you were setting up when suddenly your manager strolled up to you, a strange smile on his face. “You have a few visitors. VIP buyers,” he elaborated when he saw your confused face. Instantly, you brightened up; you loved meeting fans and hanging out with them before shows. It was nice to know that they loved your music enough to want to meet the person behind it, as well. “Send them in!” you encouraged, waving him off to go get them. You informed the rest of the group about it, and they all brightened up from their bored moods, all of them putting their phones and laptops away. “These are always so fun,” your drummer babbled, and then the door opened and in stepped in five much unexpected guests. “Are you fucking serious,” your guitarist murmured, and the boys burst into laughter. “So nice to meet you!” Louis piped up, running over to give all of you massive hugs. Your eyes were locked on Zayn’s though, and you could feel how hot your face was. You saw the red tint in his cheeks, too, though, and took the risk to flash him a smile. He returned it instantly and after everyone had been introduced and had gotten to know each other a little better, you eased into separate conversations. “I meant what I said about your singing, you’re incredible,” Zayn told you, his smile only growing. “I mean, you have a really unique voice and you know how to use it. I’m surprised you guys aren’t more popular.” “We love our fans, though,” you responded, a bright smile on your face. “To us, it’s not really important how famous we are. As long as we can make music and people can enjoy it, that’s all that matters.” Zayn nodded in agreement and too soon, it was time for your show to start. “I’ll have to catch you later,” you told him, feigning an overdramatic pout. He mimicked it and laughed, giving you a good luck hug. “You’ll do great! All of us will be cheering you on.” A chorus of “yeahs” echoed throughout the dressing room, and you and your band all laughed and thanked them. “We’ll have to take off right after the show,” you told them, “We’re on a tight schedule. But let’s keep in touch, yeah?” Phone numbers were exchanged and Zayn gave you one last hug, a huge smile on his lips. “I’m fanboying so much right now, you don’t even know,” he whispered in your ear, and you giggled. “I’ll call you later, so we can maybe plan a date?” “S-sure,” you answered, tugging at a strand of your hair. “I’d love to.” “See you later, love. You’re going to do great!” Zayn reminded you and then you were bounding off to the stage, feeling more energized than ever before, and not just because of the roars that blared around you. “What’s up, Glasgow?!”

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