(5SOS) Cute Moments With Your Kids

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Luke: You had a rough day at work and you were ready to just go home and take a long nap. Luke was watching your 2 four year old boys while you went back to work for a while. You pulled up in the driveway and stepped out of your car. It was very icy on the ground and the air was crisp and cold. Christmas was in 4 days and your 2 boys were very happy about that. This year, Luke said you were gonna get an early surprise and you had no idea what he meant by that. You walked in the small house and you were immediately overwhelmed by the smell of something burning and a lot of screaming and laughter. You let out a long sigh knowing that if they made any sort of mess you would have to clean it all up. You wanted to just ignore it, let Luke handle it and walk straight upstairs to bed, but you were very curious as to what they were doing. You slowly peered into the kitchen and saw a big mess. Everywhere. You were pissed at first of course until you saw Luke and your boys staring at you with looks of terror on their face... And a little bit of frosting dough and gumdrops. "Surprise...." Luke said, half doping you would forgive him for this. You immediately burst into laughter and before you knew it you were on the ground in tears from all the laughing. You quickly regain your composure, but you can't look at them straight in the face. "Oh my god why happened??" You say not really caring. "Uh... We were...um-" Luke started "We were making you a Christmas gift!!!!" One of your twin boys yelled. You chuckled and quickly took a picture with your phone. Luke explained that they were trying to make a gingerbread house for you while you cleaned up your sons. "Well I'm flattered Lukey, but you didn't have to do that for me!" You said. Luke smiled sheepishly. "All I want for Christmas is this." You said gesturing to the twins and Luke. He smiled and gave you a loving kiss.

Calum: "DAD!" your 14 year old daughter screamed from her room. Sounds like she's going through another life crisis. Calum was always a better counselor than you were, so you let him handle most if your daughters issues with school and drama. "Yes?" He says walking into your daughter's room. You snuck in behind him and stood watching in the doorway. You loved watching your daughter and Calum bond, it filled another hole in your heart every time he helped her through life. Your daughter let out a long sigh. "I'm getting bullied again" your daughter said. Your face instantly fell. Your daughter had been getting bullied a lot in school lately and it was really starting to worry both you and Calum. "Aw, baby girl," Calum said as he engulfed your daughter in a big hug. "It'll all be okay." He assured her. It put a smile on your face to see how they could just cheer each other up in an instant. "Thanks dad...I hope it will." She said as a tear slipped down both of their cheeks. From what you heard, your daughter got bullied simply for being short. She was only around 4'8" and that was a little short for a 14 year old sure, but it was no reason to bully her. "Come on," Calum said as he got up. "Let's go out for ice cream!" he said. Of course he would suggest food, but your daughter didn't refuse the offer. They invited you of course and you all went out for ice cream as a family.

Ashton: The kids were at it again. Making nonstop noise throughout the whole house. This wasn't a rarity because you have 3 toddlers. Two of which are boys! They would make noise and break things and tease their sister. I was just the terrible twos as they say, but at least the terrible twos don't last forever. They were making a huge mess and you needed to study for your finals. You tried calming them down but it was no use. "Ashton!" You yelled getting very annoyed by the fact that he hasn't helped out today at all. "Yes, sunshine?" he yells from the living room. "Please do something with the kids I need to study." you said, huffing as you heard something get knocked off a shelf and onto the floor. He didn't answer but you heard him get up and say "Okay kids come with daddy! I've got a fun surprise for you!" and with that, they were gone and you could finally study. After what seemed like years of studying, but was really only 2 hours or so, you got up to check on Ashton and the kids. It was the most quiet this house had ever been in a long time. You walked into yours and Ashton's bedroom and saw a picture worthy scene. Ashton was cuddled up with the boys on his right and your daughter and his left and a story book in his hand. They were all sound asleep including Ashton. they all looked so sound so you didn't want to wake them up with the camera; you simply kissed all 4 of their foreheads, turned off the light and walked out of the room.

Michael: Michael waited impatiently in the waiting room as he was late to the arrival of your baby due to work. He tapped his foot impatiently for what seemed like forever when finally a lady dressed in a scrubs came up to him. "Michael Clifford?" she said. he quickly nodded and got up ready to see his new child. He didn't know the gender because you wanted to keep it a surprise from him, he didn't even know how many kids you were having. He bought 2 cradles just in case, though. the woman smiled and led him down a long hallway and through a door. he stepped in your room and the biggest smile formed on his fave when he saw you holding a baby in each arm. one with a blue blanket and one with a pink blanket. a few tears slipped as he watched you sleep soundly with your little gifts of life. This was the happiest moment of his life. he reached down and kissed you head softly. He took a quick picture and posted it on twitter with the caption "@Michael5SOS: the 3 loves of my life <3 couldn't be happier"

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