(5SOS) Future (His POV)

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Future (His POV)

Ashton: "Have you ever thought about the future?" I asked, cuddling closer to (Y/N) as we both lied on the couch. The tv was on in the background, but neither of us was paying attention to what was happening on the screen. I saw her knit her eyebrows together in confusion as she pondered, "The future?" She replied, not sure of where I was taking this. A small chuckle escaped my lips, nodding my head, "Yeah, the future. Our future. Haven't you thought about what might happen, if we'd still be together in 5 years? If we'd be living together, if we'd have broken up and if we might've remained friends? Haven't you ever thought about it?" My voice got quieter, I could feel her bury her face in the crook of my neck, her hot breath tickled against my skin. "I have thought about it, and I guess it kinda scares me because we don't know what's going to happen, but I honestly hope and pray that we'll be together for a long time." She mumbled into my skin, her hand reaching for mine. "I hope so too, I've honestly never felt this way before about somebody, and you make me feel complete. You honestly do, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you because you make me so happy, a-and I love you with all my heart. I really do want a future with you." My lips pressed to her forehead and pulled the blanket over us more.

Calum: "What do you want to happen in 5 years?" (Y/N) asked, her voice quiet filled with tiredness, our bodies were tangled under the sheets, spending the morning lying in my bed. I pulled her closer to me, draping my arm over her back as she cuddled into my chest, I paused for a second so I could think. "I'd want.. To sell out arenas with the boys, and I'd want to go to places I've never even heard of, and I want a nice little apartment that's big enough for the both of us, so we could spend every moment with each other. I'd want a dog too, you know how badly I want one," I felt her smile into my skin, a small chuckle escaping her lips, "But most of all, I just really hope that we're still together in 5 years, because in all honesty.. I can't picture myself with anyone but you."

Luke: (Y/N)'s question caught me off guard, she had asked what I'd want to happen in the future. I frowned slightly, "I'm not really sure," I confessed, my hands playing with hers, "Well.. I want to live in a big house.. And I want you to live in it with me, and we'll have 67 kids and we'll name them all after Calum! Oh and we'll have a pet penguin too. And the house will have a ball pit in it and a slide instead of stairs, I think that'd be cool." (Y/N) laughed, playfully slapping my thigh. "No, Luke, I'm serious.." She looked eagerly up at me which made me smile, "As long as I'm still with you then I don't care about anything else." I replied honestly, pressing my lips to hers.

Michael: She looked at me like she was a little lost, "What?" I guess she didn't understand what I meant. "What do you think will happen in the future?" I repeated, studying her face. "I.. I don't know, I've never really thought about it. I guess the whole not knowing what's going to happen kinda scares me. It.. It scares me, not knowing where I'll be, if I'm still with you, if I'm not.." She looked up at me and my arms reached towards her, pulling her tightly into me, placing a kiss on her nose. "You shouldn't be scared, honestly, I promise you that everything's going to be fine. I'm going to be here for you always, and I'll never leave you. I'm certain of that, so you don't have to worry about us not being together," I paused, (Y/N) fumbled around with the ends of sleeves as she listened to what I had to say, "I love you, (Y/N). I've never felt this way about anyone, and I want you around forever. I want to grow old with you, I want to be able to come home from a late night with the boys and be able to climb into bed and lie down next to you, to look at you in 10 years and still be able to feel the way I do now, I want you to be mine forever." I saw her lips curl up into a smile as she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me softly. "I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart."

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