Michael Imagine

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You walked down the long street all the way to Michael's apartment building at the end of the street. 5SOS was really getting famous and you couldn't be more proud, but the more fame your boyfriend got, the more hate you got. You were almost to Michael's building when you heard someone yell from behind you. You whipped your head around and saw 3 girls who looked to be 15 with water guns in hand. 'Seriously?' You thought. How childish. You turned around an walked faster, but they eventually caught up to you. Unfortunately you found out moments later that those water guns were filled with ketchup, not water. 'Well this day couldn't get any worse' you thought. Oh, but it did. the girls started yelling rude remarks at you too. How was nobody noticing this?? You felt hopeless as the girls crowded around you when suddenly the yelling stopped, but you were too afraid to look up. You finally looked up when you felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and lift you up bridal style. You looked up and were met with Michael's caring eyes and his loving smile. Even though he was smiling, he was still very angry at the girls. You looked at each of them and all 3 had fear written on their face. "If you were real fans, this wouldn't have happened. Respect the people I love, and it'll all be okay. Did you think that publicly humiliating my girlfriend would make me love you? Seriously? Because if you did that's a load of bullshit and right now I really dislike all of you. Now get out of my sight." Michael demanded. The girls nodded ad quickly walked the other way. Michael gently kissed your nose. "Are you alright, sunshine?" He asked concerned. You smiled. "I'm ok," you answered with a small smile. He turned around with you sill in his arms and started walking the rest of the way to his building. He didn't even seem to mind that you were covered in ketchup and tears

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