(5SOS) An Arranged Marriage

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An Arranged Marriage

Ashton: “But he’s so annoying and arrogant!” you yell towards your parents. “You’re gonna marry him whether you like it or not!” your dad says threatening you with his index finger. “But I don’t love him…” you say quietly. You look up to your mum, “please mama. You have to stop, please,” you begged almost in tears. “I’m sorry sweetie,” she starts, “but our minds and Ashton’s parents too have already been made up.” Your dad sighs and walks out of the room. While your mum is helping you get your wedding gown on you think. You’re about to marry someone you grew up with who was always so annoying and trying to makeup stupid jokes. You hated him. He was disgusting… The next thing you know you’re looking through a veil walking down the aisle. Everyone’s eyes on you as you slowly made your way to the alter. Halfway there you look up to be met by a handsome young man, he looked like an angel. Turns out it was Ashton, you smirked, he cleans up pretty good. You now stood in front of him, “you look beautiful,” he whispers to you. You blush, “that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” you whisper back. “Might as well start being nice to each other if we’re gonna live together forever, right?” You smile, “right,” nodding in agreement. At that moment you thought you could actually give Ashton a chance.

Calum: You sit in the fancy restaurant your parents had told you to go to meet the upcoming groom to be. You sat at the table waiting and eating the ice out of your glass of water. Having your parents set you up with someone is probably the most nerve-wracking and terrifying experiences of your life. A handsome young man appears from behind you, “you must be y/n,” he says extending out a hand for you to shake, “I’m Calum.” You stand up adjusting your dress before shaking his hand. He takes a seat across from you and you sit down as well. You sit there awkwardly looking down at the napkin placed on your lap not knowing what to say. You’re practically engaged to the stranger sitting across from you. You chuckle. Calum looks up from the menu looking confused. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to marry a complete stranger. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous that our parents join us together without even consulting any of us?” you ask him. “Honestly, I was thinking the same thing but when I saw you sitting here I thought maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. I never expected my parents to choose out someone so beautiful.” You blushed at his words. From then on you two were no longer strangers but friends, you both knew that getting married was really fast but you couldn’t deny your parent’s order. And in the end you turned out to be a really happy couple together for someone you only knew for a short time.

Michael: “Y/n, please help me set the table. We’re having guest over for dinner,” your mother told you. You sighed and got up from your comfortable position on the couch. Placing the plates all around the table for six, “So who’s coming over?” you asked. “Just old family friends,” she had said. Later when dinner came around you were sat next to a young man around your age at the table. You assumed the couple sitting next to him were his parents. As dinner went on you talked to the guy, you found out his name is Michael, and that he is in a band. Then all of a sudden it went silent and all the parent’s eyes were on you and Michael. “We have gathered you here tonight to make an announcement,” your mother started saying looking right at you. “We have arranged a marriage for the both of you to be together. “WHAT??!” you said shock in your voice and eyes slamming your hand down on the table in disbelief. Michael next to you choking on the water he was just drinking and started coughing uncontrollably. As soon as Michael recovered he started talking, “You can’t do that! We just met and I don’t even love her!” he told his parents. “You will learn to love each other right after you get married,” argued his mum. “This is ridiculous, it’s not gonna happen,” you said standing up throwing the napkin onto the table before storming out the dining room with Michael following behind you. You both sit in silence in the media room eavesdropping on your parent’s conversations. “We can make this work, right?” Michael asked you out of the blue. “If it’s the only choice we got then I guess so.”

Luke: “I’m trusting you to set me up with a keeper,” he told his mum. “She’s a keeper alright, a friend of mine has a daughter around your age,” she explained. “I really don’t like the idea of having to marry this stranger but if it’s the only way I can get a wife around here without it being so difficult I guess I’ll have to deal with it,” Luke said giving in to the whole idea of the arranged marriage. The doorbell rang and Liz ran for the door knowing it was you, Y/n. “She’s here,” she whispered opening the door and smiling when she saw your beautiful face. “Come in, y/n. Welcome,” she said opening the door wider allowing you to step in. She gave you hug, “Hello, Ms. Hemmings,” you say hugging her back. You turn around to see a tall figure standing there looking at you, you walked up to him, “I’m y/n,” you say introducing yourself. “Luke,” he said back. Liz left leaving you both in the living room to talk. “I only agreed to this because I couldn’t find a decent guy for myself,” you told Luke. “Same,” he said, “except for women of course.” He smiled. You laughed. “Do you think our parents will allow us to just to go out with each other instead of having to get married right away?” he asked, “cause it seems a bit too quick.” You nod, “I agree.” “I really like talking to you, y/n. I’ve actually opened up to you and we only just met. It’s strange but marrying is a really big commitment.” “I just hope our parents will understand.” “Date tomorrow?” You smiled and blushed, “sure thing.”

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