(1D) Sweaters

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Harry: His teenage runaway sweater envelops your body, the sleeves slipping past your fingertips, the hem reaching your mid-thigh. He had given it to you one night when his house was exceptionally colder and you had never given it back. Now you lie in bed, his scent surrounding you even though he’s in Australia. You aren’t cold, his sweater is keeping you warm.

Liam: He slips the Adidas hoodie over your head, its fuzzy interior soft on your bare arms. Paparazzi snap ten thousand pictures of the couple moment, but Liam doesn’t care. He just presses his lips to your forehead, “Can’t have my girl be cold.” He mumbles out. You were almost home, so he clasped his hand with yours and started to walk faster so the frigid air couldn’t catch you.

Louis: He slips his hands inside of your pockets as the music blares over the field. Couples all swaying to the beat of some unknown artist. Louis’ scruff scratches the back of your neck, his arms wrapped around your middle. “You were right, I should’ve brought a jacket.” He whispers, lips tickling the inside of your ear. You giggle at his comment and nod silently, leaning your head back against his shoulder.

Niall: He chases you down the beach, the wind blowing his hair wildly. “I dare you to jump in.” You giggle, not expecting him to actually whip off his sweater and race towards the ocean. Before you know it he’s chest deep and screaming, “Shit! It’s freezing!” He shivers in the water for another moment before sprinting out and back onto the shore. He slips the sweater back on and pulls you into his lap, shivering into your shoulder.

Zayn: He lays next to you, fingers dancing up your back. The hem of your sweater has been pushed up to your shoulder blades. The blankets from the bed shoved off last night in a frenzy, lips too rushed to bother where they had ended up. Light was now pouring into the room, sun rising way too early. Zayn gets up, slipping on a sweater and padding down the hall to make you breakfast.

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