(5SOS) He Gets Teased About Being Whipped

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He Gets Teased About Being Whipped        


Ashton: “No I’m not” I denied getting red in the face “Mate you are so whipped” Michael teased making me shift in my seat “How” I asked hoping they wouldn’t come up with something “Just the other day you left the club so you could go see (Y/N)” Luke pointed out after thinking for a second, “She was sick” I lied hoping they would believe me “No she wasn’t we say her the next day and she was fine” Luke said making me groan, “Just admit your whipped” Calum said “I am not whipped just in love” I said stopping the discussion

Calum: “So what’s Calum’s and (Y/N)s relationship like?” The interviewer asked the other guys. “He’s so whipped” Ashton said patting my back as I blushed “Am not” I muttered “Oh yes he is, he would probably cut off his leg if she asked him to” Ashton said making everybody laugh “I’m not whipped I just love her and would do anything for her” I said making everybody awe making me blush even more, “Whipped” Michael murmured making my glare at him.

Luke: “So what’s it like being whipped?” Calum asked making me look up from my phone “What?” I asked making Calum roll his eyes “Don’t even try to act like you don’t know what I’m talking about we all know you’re whipped” “No I’m not” I argued, “Mate she asked you to get her a blanket last night and you pretty much brought down your whole fucking bedroom” he said making me blush “Well I just wanted her to be comfortable”I told him just making him roll he’s eyes again “Keep telling yourself that”

Michael: “(Y/N) do want anything to drink or eat?” I asked, she looked at me and shook her head no “Can you get me a water bottle?” Ashton asked “get it yourself” I said heading into the kitchen getting my own water bottle, “Whipped” Ashton yelled walking into the kitchen reappearing with his own water bottle “No I’m not” I said looking at the rest if the guys that just shook their heads yes,I looked at (Y/N) and she was just laughing “Not you to” I groaned, “I think it’s cute” she whispered hugging me, I smiled and kissed the top of her head then flipped the guys off.

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