(5SOS) You're In Labor, He's Not There, But One Of The Other Boys Is

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You're In Labor, He's Not There, But One Of The Other Boys Is 

 Calum: The pains had been coursing through you for quite a few hours now, but you didn’t want to say anything to alert Luke, who was watching after you, like a hawk, while Calum went to the studio to record last minute for the new record, but finally a strong enough contraction came along that forced a small scream to come out. Luke eyed you instantly. “You in labor?” you wanted to say no, but you knew you were and you knew you had to get to the hospital right away. So, Luke carried you to his car, buckled you in and sped to the hospital, having you call Calum on speaker. “What’s going on, Luke?” “Meet us at the hospital, Calum, (YN)’s in labor!” Calum said nothing else, you just heard silence as Luke finished the drive to the hospital. You held his hand as the doctors told you it was time to push, you wanted to wait for Calum, but your baby had other plans and wanted to come out now. Luckily, Luke was being as supportive as he could, knowing full well how much pain you were in. The baby’s head just popped out once Calum burst into the room and he heard the baby’s cries as they laid the baby on your chest. “That’s my daughter.” he says and Luke nods at Calum. “Yeah, (YN) did great!” Calum kissed your forehead before bringing in Luke for a full out hug. “Thank you man! Thanks for being there for her when i couldn’t!” Luke smiled. “That’s what friends do, Cal, now go meet your daughter!” 
Calum walked over and gently touched your daughter’s cheek. “You really couldn’t wait for me, could you? So eager to come into the world and see your beautiful mommy! Oh well, you’re here now, that’s all that matters.  

Ashton: “Does Michael really have to take care of me, Ash? I’ll be fine!” you say into the phone and hear both Ashton and Michael’s laughter from both sides. “Yes, he does! I’ll be home in a few hours, but, i just want to make sure that you’ll be alright without me there!” you sigh and sit on the couch next to Michael carefully. “Yeah, yeah, i’ll be fine!” Ashton smiled into the phone even though you obviously couldn’t see it. “Just relax with Michael and i’ll be home soon! i love you!” “Love you too, Ash!” you then hung up the phone and faced Michael whose eyes were locked on the television screen. “What are we supposed to do until he gets home? I’m bored!” you state and Michael sighs then looks next to him. “Did you pee?” you stare at him in disbelief. “Of course i didn’t, why would you ask that?” He pointed down. “There’s a wet spot! Did your water break?” you look down and take notice that Michael was right. “Yeah, call Ashton, take me to the hospital while i grab hospital bag.” you manage and Michael calls Ashton immediately after you grab your bag and walk out to the car. “Yeah, she’s in labor, Ash, you might want to leave sooner then you thought!” “Stay with her Michael!” Ashton’s voice came out loud and clear, even though you knew he was now panicking and most likely crying due to the situation of not being there with you and Michael smiled. “I told you i would, Ash. I’d never leave her now.” he then hung up and drove you to the hospital where they told you as soon as you got in there that it was time to push. You were scared but Michael let you hold his hand as you delivered your baby boy. You were holding onto your son when Ashton came in the room, out of breath, tears falling once he saw what was in your arms. “I missed it?” You just held up your son. “Want to meet your son, Ashton?”

Michael: You were stuck at the studio with Ashton while the other three went out to get food. It was a blizzard outside, but that didn’t stop them from going out themselves. “What if they get stuck out there, Ash?” you ask and he halts his playing the drums. “They won’t get stuck.” “What if they get trapped into someplace and can’t get out due to the storm, what if we get stuck in here!” Ashton just laughs. “You’re just a little worry wart aren’t you?” You nod. “My due date was three days ago, Ashton, of course i’m worrying all the time!” Ashton chuckled and was waiting for you to laugh as well, and when you didn’t, he knew something was up. “(YN)?” he asked and nothing, so he walked over to you and grabbed your hand which then grasped his in an iron grip that made him wince. “What’s going on?” “Labor.” was all you were able to manage and you knew from the pain, that you weren’t going to make it to the hospital. “Ashton, baby’s coming now, we won’t have time for hospital!” “We have to try!” he practically screamed and you pulled his arm down so he was eye to eye with you. “Ashton, i feel the baby down there, the baby’s coming out of me now!” Ashton began to panic and called Michael who told him that they were trying to get there, the storm was slowing things down. Everyone started to freak once Ashton alerted them that you were giving birth at the studio. You heard car doors opening and closing and then Luke and Calum shouting after Michael. With having nothing medical around, Ashton grabbed a dozen towels and brought them to you and did the best he could, with having a doctor on the other line, he was able to get an airway for the baby to breath and placed it on your belly. “You did it, (YN)!” he says and you hear Michael in the doorway. “No, you did it, Ashton, thank you!” Ashton only nodded as you gave Michael a kiss and looked down at your daughter. “Aren’t you going to have a story to tell when you’re older, born at daddy’s studio, and your uncle delivered you.”  

Luke: “What’s Luke doing now?” you ask from the backseat of the car as Calum swerves in and out of traffic, doing the very best that he could to get you to the hospital. “I’m not sure, he’s not picking up his phone!” “Then call Michael or Ashton!” you screamed and Calum, not wanting to piss you off anymore, did as you said and finally managed to reach Ashton. “Where’s Lucas?” he shouted and you could hear Ashton in the background explaining. “Well, tell him to forget about mommy dearest and get to the hospital where his own wife is about to become a mommy dearest.” a few more words were spoken and Calum sighed heavily. “Yes, that means (YN) is in labor, Ashton, just tell Luke to get to the hospital!” he threw the phone into the passenger seat and looked back at you. “How are you holding up?” You breathed through another contraction. “I’m alright, we almost to the hospital?” “Pulling up now.” he smiled and took a relaxing breath. He helped you out of the car and into the hospital, following you every step of the way, refusing to leave your side when nurses asked him to, explaining that he was the only one that was able to help you at the moment, they weren’t happy, but they let it slide. “Almost there!” he kept saying and you grinned and did a couple of pushes when the nurses and doctors instructed. It wasn’t long before your son’s screams filled the room and bounced back to you. With Luke not being there, Calum cut the cord for you. You had just passed your son over to Calum when Luke walked in the room, tears already rolling down his face. “Luke!” you scream and as Luke was running to you, Calum put a hand on his chest. “(YN) wants you to hold your son before you go to her.” Luke looked at you for confirmation and you nodded and Calum passed your son over to Luke. “Congrats man, she did amazing!”

 (cred: mixingnialler)

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