(5SOS) Wherever You Are

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Wherever You Are

Ashton: “Hey babe, it’s me. I miss you a lot right now. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much wherever you are or wherever I am. Call me back as soon as you wake up.” He said leaving you a voicemail. “C’mon babe, I just wanna hear your voice.” He said redialing your number. “Hello?” You asked sleepily, immediately waking up from your phone vibrating. “I woke you up, didn’t I? Sorry babe, I’ll let you go back to sleep. By-“ He apologized before you cut him off. “No, Ash. It’s fine. I heard your voicemail though. I love you too wherever you are. Nice song by the way!” You chuckled. “I miss you so much.” He said quietly. “I do too, but remember only one week left.” You reminded. “Yeah, one week.” He smiled at your words.

Calum: “I don’t want you to leave. I almost lost it and I don’t want us to break up over distance and we-“ You cried before he cut you off. “Y/N, we’re not gonna break up. I don’t plan on such thing.” He replied hugging you. “How do you know? Cal, I’m not even the prettiest girl out there. You have fans that love you and are hotter than me.” You sniffled into his shoulder. “Shh..there’s no other girl I’d rather be with because I have you. You’re the one who makes my world complete. You know me so well just as much as I know you. You always know how to make me smile when those bad days come to me. Wherever you are, I’ll love you from now and forever. I promise. We’re not going to break up over distance. I’ll be counting the days until I get to see you again or when you can visit me during tour. We’ll be okay.” He comforted. “I love you.” You said giving him a small smile while looking into his gorgeous eyes. “I love you more.” He said wiping a tear on your face.

Luke: “You’ve been giving me lots of hugs everyday lately. What’s going on, babe?” You asked as Luke put his guitar down. You sat on his lap and ran your fingers through his hair to calm him down a bit. “I don’t know…I just don’t want to leave when I know tour is starting in two days.” He sighed intertwining your fingers with his. “Do you know how much I’m gonna miss you?” He asked playing with your hands. “Probably only once or twice,” You mumbled knowing he probably would forget about you while performing and on tour. “No, everyday. I know you know this and I had a feeling you’d say that. Y/N, do you really think I’d forget about you while I’m on tour with the boys?” He asked a little concerned. “No,” You answered quietly with your head down. “Hey, I know you’re sad too that I’m leaving. Those hugs are just for us to remember how it feels to be truly loved and also how much we love each other.” He said lifting your head to look up at him. “I’m gonna miss you a lot but wherever you are, I know you’ll love me.” He said as you smiled, laying your head on his shoulder.

Michael: “I’m not letting go.” You cried into his chest as you two hugged tightly. Both of you were at the airport and he was going to head back on tour again. “Y/N, don’t take it too hard on yourself. We’ll be seeing each other soon, I promise.” He said stroking your back as you cried harder, ignoring everyone at the airport seeing you like this. “Michael, it’s time. Sorry Y/N, but we have to go.” Ashton said patting you two on the shoulder. “Okay, just give us a minute.” You sniffled as you wiped your tears away. His arms were placed back on your waist but you looked down to ignore his gaze at you. “Hey, look at me.” He breathed lifting your face with two fingers before smashing his lips on yours. “I love you, okay? Nothing will change that.” He said wiping a tear off your face. “I love you too. Have fun.” You said hugging him one last time and giving him a short peck before he walked away. He looked back and blew a kiss before walking to the boarding area, with you glued to his mind.

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