(5SOS) You Suprise Him On Tour

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You Surprise Him On Tour

Michael: You and Luke had planned Michael's birthday party, it was a surprise party, but even bigger surprise; you were going to be there, given you hadn't seen him in two months because his busy schedule. The party was set in a club, and everyone was invited from his family to his friends. Night of the party, you walk in through the back door and see Michael sitting with Luke and Harry, three feet away from him you signal to Luke, and he taps Michael on the shoulder, leans in to whisper something and points to you. That's when Michael turns around nonchalantly, then when he sees you, he hops out of the booth, "When did you get here, (y/n)? I've missed you so much, you wouldn't believe it," he went on, hugging and kissing you when he could. "Let's get you a drink," he suggests when he finally calms down, and you agree because, hey, you helped plan this and now you could loosen up because everything has gone to plan.

Calum: Being a college student and the girlfriend of a boy band member, who is now on tour, is not an easy feat. Especially when Calum told you the exact date their album would be released, he was so excited, you wanted to be there to support him and the boys as this was their first official album. You did the only thing you knew to make that happen; begged your professors to let you take the few exams you'd miss early and booking a flight as soon as possible, which lead to late night packing. It was all worth it because two layover flights later you walked into the hotel and up to his room (room number courtesy of Ashton), knocking on his door, you waited with bated breath. When the door opened, it took a second for Calum to realize it was you, he was more than happy, smile reaching his eyes as he pulls you in for a tight hug,

Ashton: Ashton is normally the epitome of happiness and sunshine, but for the last week he has been moping around. The boys couldn't take it anymore and they knew exactly why he was acting like this: you. At this point they hadn't been home in months, touring with One Direction, while they were extremely grateful, they all missed their families. So the boys did the only thing they knew to do, which was to call you, 15 minutes into the conversation they had already planned for you come out and surprise Ashton. Needless to say, Ashton was very surprised and very happy when you kissed him awake one morning.

Luke: "But, I really wish you were here," Luke whines over the phone. "I know, babe, me too. You'll be home in two weeks, though, that's not much longer." You reply, knowing this is conversation is going nowhere. "Please, come see me, I can't stand being away from you anymore," he keeps on. "I'll see, okay?" you say and afterwards you say your good nights to each other. When you get off the phone, you start thinking, 'do I really want to waste money on airfare when he'll be home in two weeks?' The answer was yes, you knew you missed Luke, but now that you actually think about it, it's literally heart breaking. "I'm coming x " , you text him, which is replied to with smiley faces. It wasn't a surprise when you got there, but it wasn't any less enjoyable then if it were. Either way, you and Luke were just happy to be together again.

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