(5SOS) Someone Hits On You

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Someone Hits On You

Luke: You and Luke went grocery shopping together because, well, you were in serious need of groceries in the house. Luke had been on tour for the past few months and you spent the majority of the time at your parents since you don't really like being alone. "I don't wanna be here." Luke whined as you grabbed a cart. "Do you want to starve?" You asked and Luke murmured a "no" causing you to smile. "That's what i thought. Now," you said while looking down at the lists. "I figured it would be a lot easier and faster if we split up. Here is your list," You said handing Luke his list and he groaned. "Shut it Lucas. I don't want to be here either, but we really need groceries. Now go gather the things from your list." Luke sighed. "Fine." You both went your separate ways to gather your list of groceries and you met back at the checkout line about 15-20 minutes later. "Got everything?" You questioned. "Yup!" Luke replied popping the 'p.' "Great!" You chirped as you started to unload the cart. "Did you find everything you needed ma'am?" The cashier asked, flashing you a smile. "Yes, thank you." You replied back with a smile. You heard Luke scoff behind you and you elbowed his ribs. "You know, I don't see many girls as pretty as you come around." The cashier said while checking out your groceries. You could feel yourself blush. "Erm - Thank you." Luke stepped in front of you. "Yeah, this is also going to be the last time you ever see her. Now, keep doing what you know best and check out our groceries. Try not to hit on my girlfriend again in the process unless you want those carrots shoved up your ass." Luke growled. You smirked to yourself because you loved how protective Luke was.

Calum: "Come on Babe. When you're at the beach you're supposed to go swimming!" Calum said. "I need to tan Cal. I am as pale as a ghost." You replied while rubbing the suntan oil on yourself. "It's no fun going swimming by yourself." Calum pouted while crossing his arms. You sighed. "Alright, let me tan for half an hour then I will go swimming with you, okay?" Calum smiled and nodded. "Deal!" You smiled back at him as you put on your sunglasses then laid down. Soon enough your half hour was up and you knew you couldn't break your promise to Calum. "Come on, hurry up!" Calum rushed you and you rolled your eyes. "The water isn't going anywhere Cal." You said as you got up from your towel. A group of older boys walked past you and they let out a few cat whistles and remarks. "Have some fucking respect you dicks!" Calum shouted at them. "Babe, it's okay. Let's just go swimming, yeah?" You said as you kissed his cheek. Calum let out a small smile. "Okay."

Ashton: You and Ashton decided to go to the park since it was a really nice day out. "Let's play frisbee babe!" You smiled while clinging onto Ashton's arm excitingly. Ashton chuckled. "Alright, yeah. Let's go play frisbee." You shrieked while grabbing the frisbee, running quite a ways from Ashton. "Ready?!" You yelled. "Yeah!" Ashton shouted back. You stuck out your tongue a little for concentration and threw the frisbee towards him. Ashton caught it. "Good job, babe!" Ashton screamed and you giggled. "Thanks! Now throw it back!" Ashton nodded from what you could see, but he made it go a little farther than needed. You rolled your eyes. "I'll go get it." You yelled while you jogged over to get the frisbee. A guy was already holding it in his hand to give to you. "Here you go." The guy said with sweet smile. "Thanks!" You smiled back at him. "Do you um, do you wanna go get ice cream? I'm sorry, you're just really pretty." The guy said blushing a little causing you to blush. "Wow I'm sorry bu-" Before you could continue Ashton jogged up to you. "Who is this, babe?" Ashton asked and the guys eyes widened. "He asked me out to ice cream and called me pretty, but i was just about to tell him I have a boyfriend." You said smiling at Ashton. "Yeah, sorry mate. This girl is taken." Ashton replied while kissing your cheek. The guy nodded and walked off.

Michael: You and Michael decided to go out clubbing with a few friends. Saying Michael was smashed was an understatement he was totally and absolutely drunk off his ass. You didn't really mind because Michael hardly ever got to do this so you let it slip. "But Michael I wanna dance!" You huffed. "You know I'm not good at that babe." Michael slurred while taking another drink of his beer. "Pleaseee." You begged while pouting out your lip. "No, drink with me." Michael replied in gibberish and you sighed taking the drink from Michael's hand. You were drinking away until a boy approached you at the bar. "I was wondering if you wanted to dance?" The boy smiled. You pursue your lips together, looked at Michael and then back at the boy. "I'd love to." You smiled back. "Love to what?" Michael turned to you. "I am going to dance with this lovely boy since you refuse." You smirked standing up from the stool. "No, you won’t dance with him." Michael hissed. "You're going to dance with me then?" You replied while raising one of your eyebrows. Michael stood up from the stool and grabbed your hand. "Get lost you prat." Michael growled at the other boy and dragged you to the dance floor.

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