(1D) Cute Couple Moments

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Cute Couple Moments

Harry: The sound of clinking cups and plates wakes you up that sunny morning, just right before a raspy voice says “Wake up, Beautiful.” You open your eyes to find your boyfriend standing right beside you, a tray full of yummy stuff in hand. “What’s all this?” You smile. He places the trade in your lap and takes a seat at the end of the bed, rubbing your feet through the cover “I just wanted to do something nice for you in our first morning in the flat.” Patting the empty space by your side, you signal him to move closer, which he does; he never misses an opportunity to be close to you. You take his face in your hands and kiss him fully “I love you so much Harry, thank you.”

Liam: You smile in content as your boyfriend spins you around the dance floor. Liam pulls you into his chest and looks deeply into your eyes “I love you Y/N, that’s going to be us one day.” You turn your head to glace at the happy newly married couple, and grin at the idea of a future next to Liam. “That means you’ll be stuck with me forever.” You joke. He sweetly cups your face in his strong hands and kisses you “Wouldn’t have it any other way, babe.”

Louis: “The monster is going to get you tonight.” He whispers in your ear. “Shut up, Louis! I knew watching a horror movie with you would be a bad idea.” You narrow your eyes in the dark, trying to let him know you’re mad at him. He takes you in his arms and makes you sit on his lap “I would never let anything hurt you, you know that right?” You soften up a bit at his words, but not fully, of course. His hand takes your chin and forces you to look at him “I love you.” He kisses your lips fully “And I will always protect you.”

Niall: “Why thank you, kind sir.” You smile as your boyfriend slides the chair for you like a true gentleman. “A pleasure; my lovely lady.” He places a kiss on your cheek before you sit down, and then proceeds to take his place in front of you. “Thanks for doing this; I know you’re very busy with the upcoming album and stuff.” He takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers on top of the table “I always have time for my favorite girl.” Niall says as he flashes you a smile, and brings your hand to his lips, placing a delicate kiss on your fingers. “Let’s order so that we can go home; I want to make love to you all night long.”

Zayn: You exhale loudly as your boyfriend’s arms embrace you from behind and bring you closer to his body; both your forms covered in sweat. “Was that good?” He asks as he places a kiss to your neck. “Yeah, ‘good’ doesn’t really cut it.” You laugh “I still haven’t regained my breath.” Zayns lets out a chuckle as he strokes your bare back “Well recover quickly; I have some big things planned for us.” You can’t help but to smile at what a big of a dork your boyfriend is “Okay, lover boy. You’ll be the first one to know.” He brings you even closer to his body, as you start to drift away to sleep.

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