(1D) His Stubble

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His Stubble    


Louis: The hair growing on his face made him look so much older than he really was. It was actually really attractive. Although it itched a bit when kissing, you didn’t mind. You thought it made him look more mature and manly. It was very nice. He was in the bathroom, frowning, scratching the hairs that grew longer and longer everyday. As soon as he saw you in the mirror, his face lightened up. “Babe! I was wondering, should I shave?” he asked. Your eyes went wide. “NO!! DON’T!!” he jumped back at your sudden reaction. “You like it that much?” he smirked. “Um…well…I mean…..yeah. But if you want to shave it..then do it….” you smiled innocently. He chuckled lightly. “It’s just very itchy, but if you like it, I’ll keep it” he grinned. You smiled shyly, looking away from him. “You’re so cute” he laughed, grabbing your chin and placing a soft kiss on your lips.

Zayn: "Zayn, why do you always grow your facial hair out and then shave it? What’s the point?" you asked. He shrugged in response. "I just get lazy sometimes, so it grows long. When it gets too long, I shave it" he said. "Why…is it ugly when it’s long?" he asked, rubbing his growing hair. "No! I like you both ways" you smiled. "I was just wondering. It made me curious, since you’ll be growing your hair for weeks, only to randomly shave it off the next day" you shrugged. "Oh. Well yeah. That’s the reason. I just get lazy" he laughed. "But I guess it doesn’t really matter, since you just confirmed it. I look good either way" he winked. 

Niall: "Oow Niall!" you frowned. He pulled away with a confused face. You squinted your eyes towards his upper lips. "No wonder why! Niall you’re growing hair. It poked me" you pouted. His face lightened up in pride as he rushed towards the bathroom and leaned towards the counter to get a better view of the tiny hairs. "OH MY GOD! I AM GROWING HAIR!" he exclaimed. You looked at him weirdly. "I don’t like it" you frowned. His shoulders instantly fell. "What? Why?? I think it’s great" he grinned. "I don’t like it when I kiss you. It pokes me. And you look like a homeless with it.." you said, avoiding eye contact. "Ouch.." he mumbled. He kept looking back and forth between the mirror and you, as if he were debating. "Fine…I’ll remove it" he sighed, grabbing a shaver. "Really?!" you asked, surprised. "Yeah…I’d rather be able to kiss you anytime than have hair above my lip" he smiled.

Harry: Small hairs continued to slowly grow everyday, creating barely a tint to his face. He looked at himself disgustingly in the mirror, running his fingers over the small hair resembling a peach fuzz. “My hairs growing babe. I don’t like it” he frowned. “Then shave it” you shrugged. He looked at you surprisingly. “Huh?” “I said shave it” you repeated. “But..didn’t….didn’t you say you liked it when men had facial hair?” he asked. Your face softened at his words. “Aww. Harry. Is that why you grew your hair out?” you asked. He nodded his head shamefully. “Harry. You didn’t have to do that! I like you with or without facial hair. You’re so silly. Don’t ever change for me. I like you the way you are” you smiled, ruffling his curls. He gave you a cheeky smile before hugging you and whispering a small thanks.  

Liam: As the hair grew on his face, so did your attraction towards him. You stared at closely at his face, examining his features. “What?” he chuckled. A small smile started slowly growing on your lips. “Your facial hair”. “What about it?” he asked, lightly rubbing his chin where the hair grew. “I like it. It makes you look….a lot less innocent” you giggled. “And…is that a good thing?” he raised his eyebrow. You laughed before rolling your eyes. “Great thing” you whispered, latching your lips onto his. 

A/N It's been a while! I'll post multiple prefs tonight I got em stocked- Amaya

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