(1D) Your Sister sets You two up

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Your Sister sets You two up, but You hate Him and end up love Him       


Liam: Your sister was in One Directions band, and since she was with them on tour, she spend a lot of time with them. You had met them a few times, and you thought they were really fun and sweet. Except Liam, You two really didn’t get along. You didn’t know why, but he didn’t seem to like you, so you didn’t like him either. You sister always thought that you two would be a great couple. Suddenly your phone got a message, and you saw it was from your sister. Sis: Hey, sis your date will pick you up at 13:00, be ready xxx. A date really? You messages back; what? What date, who is it? Why didn’t you tell me!!! You saw at your clock, 12:40 you had to start now, I you should be ready in time. You was ready when you got a new message; you would have told me no, so did it last minute, and it’s a surprise who it is xxx    you message her back, and then there was knocks at your door. You opened your door, surprised to see Liam. “Oh it’s you I’m going on a date with” you said going out of your apartment. “Yeah it is” Liam said heating for his car. Oh this is going well; you though, note the sarcasm. It was a very silent car ride, to the restaurant.  When you sat down at the table, nobody had said anything. Suddenly Liam broke the silence, “I was a bit surprised when your sister set me up on a date with you” he said smiling. “Oh I was to, but she always talk about how we would be a great couple you grinned suddenly a lot more relaxed. The date went very well and you end up really like Liam, and a month later he was your boyfriend.

Louis: Your sister was Harry Styles best friend, so off course she knew the boys to. And sometimes the boys came to your house, to be with your sister. You though they were all really sweet, but Louis you thought were a bit too much. He always picked on you. Today all the boys was over at you and your sisters shared house to visit your sister and you was staying in your room, because you knew Louis would be there too. Suddenly someone yelled from the living room “Hey Y/N can you please come in here” you knew that voice, it was Niall. “Yeah” you yelled back, walking to the living room, seeing five boys and your sister sitting on the floor in a circle. You smiled at Niall, waiting for him to explain why you should come. “Will you please play truth or dare with us? Please I don’t want to be the only girl” you sister said. “Fine” you said sitting down on the floor. “Harry truth or dare” Niall asked and Harry took truth. “Uhm, what would you rather; Kiss Juliet (your sister) or Y/N?” Niall asked. “Uhm Juliet, I couldn’t do that to Louis” he smirked. You looked weird at Harry very confused, what did he mean with that? Louis gave him a death-glare. Time passed, and now it was your sister’s turn to ask. “Louis truth or dare?” she asked. “uhm I’m brave, I take a dare” he said, “Ha-ha you´re going to love this one, take Y/N out on a date right now” she smirked. You made a big O with your mouth, and looked over at Louis expected him to do the same. But he didn’t, he smiled? He stood up, taking you in his hand walking out of the house. You ended up loving Louis with your whole heart.

Niall: Your sister were dating the famous, Harry Styles. You liked him, he was very sweet and you thought he was perfect for your sister. You were very happy that she found true love, and you hoped that someday you would find it too. Harry had invited you and your sister on a fancy restaurant. The dinner was going very well until Harry brought something up you really didn’t wanted to talk about. “So Y/N does you like the boys” Harry asked. “Yeah I think they are really sweet” you lied, or half lied you liked Liam, Zayn, Harry and Louis. You didn’t really liked Niall. He didn’t like you too, so that was perfect. “What about Niall?” he asked. Why did he pick the only one you didn’t like? “Uhm I don’t really know about him” you said, looking down at your empty plate. “OMG you two should go out together” your sister half yelled and people started looking at you. “Sssshhh no we shouldn’t” you whisper yelled. “I think you two would make a great couple” Harry said smiling. “Thank you for the help Harry” you said sarcastic. “Harry hand me your phone” your sister said, and he gave it to her. Two minutes late she said “Done, you have a date with Niall tomorrow”. You sighed. But you ended up going on that date, and love Niall.

Harry: Your sister was dating Liam Payne from one direction, and was best friends with Harry, so you knew them too. You liked them all, but you really didn’t like Harry. Even though he was your sister’s best friend, he was always flirting with you. In your childhood your sister always hated when guys was flirting with you, but when it was Harry it was ok. One day you was sitting at home alone, in you and your sisters shared house, when suddenly the door swung open and Harry walked in. “Hey beautiful, where is your sister?”  Harry asked. “Uhm she isn’t here, why do you think that? She is on work” you said watching TV. “She asked me to come here” he said confused. “Why did she do that when she isn’t home?” you said, when your phone got a message. Hey Y/N thinks that your surprise is here now, please enjoy the date xxx. You rolled your eyes, and showed the message to Harry. Harry gasped then smirked. “Yay we got a date” he said exited. But you ended up enjoying the date, and fall deeply in love with the flirt little Harold.        

Zayn: your sister was one of the assistants of Lou one directions hair/make up stylist, so off cause you knew the boys too. You liked them all, but not Zayn. He never really talked to you, so you just though that he didn’t like you either. One day you were visiting your sister who was on tour with the boys, and you and your sister was sitting in her hotel room when suddenly she said “do you like Zayn?” “Uhm not really, why?” you said confused by her question. “I just think that you two would be a great couple” she said. You really didn’t like zayn, and he obvious didn’t like you either. “I don’t think so”. “Hey zayn please come in here” she yelled really loudly. Zayn came in very confused. “What?” he said annoyed, when he saw you. “Hello to you too” you said quiet looking down. Zayn just rolled his eyes at you. “You’re going on a date with Y/N” she said confident. “What” both you and Zayn said. But of some reason Zayn just walked out of the room waiting in the door.” Are you coming Y/N?” he said. “Uhm I guess” you said also walking out of the room. When you and Zayn got out on the street, you decided to break the silence. “So why did you go fast from saying ´what´ to saying ´Are you coming´” you asked him. “I just know that your sister always get what she wants no matter what” he said. “Yeah she does” you nodded. The date went really well, and you ended up really liking Zayn, or love him.

Harry: Your sister was dating Liam Payne from one direction, and was best friends with Harry, so you knew them too. You liked them all, but you really didn’t like Harry. Even though he was your sister’s best friend, he was always flirting with you. In your childhood your sister always hated when guys was flirting with you, but when it was Harry it was ok. One day you was sitting at home alone, in you and your sisters shared house, when suddenly the door swung open and Harry walked in. “Hey beautiful, where is your sister?”  Harry asked. “Uhm she isn’t here, why do you think that? She is on work” you said watching TV. “She asked me to come here” he said confused. “Why did she do that when she isn’t home?” you said, when your phone got a message. Hey Y/N thinks that your surprise is here now, please enjoy the date xxx. You rolled your eyes, and showed the message to Harry. Harry gasped then smirked. “Yay we got a date” he said exited. But you ended up enjoying the date, and fall deeply in love with the flirty little Harold.        

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