(5SOS) Ice Skating Together

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Ice Skating Together       

Ashton: Your boyfriend Ashton decided to take you ice skating at the mall on this cold december day. "You alright babe?" he asked looking down at you as you walked in, probably noticing the scared look on your face. "Uh... yeah, I'm fine. I've just never been ice skating before." you confess. Ashton's eyes widen. "Really? Well, it's easy." he replied in an assuring voice. You both rented skates at the front desk and headed to the entrance to the ice rink. You clung onto Ashton's hand as you stepped on the ice, instantly slipping to the cold ground, causing Ashton to let out a laugh. "Like this." He instructed, skating in little circles infront of you while you clung to the railing. Damn. He was good. He skatted off a little further and he was doing spins and going pretty fucking fast. Pretty soon, you lost sight of him in the big mass of people. You rolled your eyes and inched along the side, clinging to the railing. About a minute later, you hear the scratching of ice behind you and you're swept off your feet in a heartbeat. "ASHTON!" you scream, wrapping your arms around his neck for dear life. Ashton laughed hysterically, skating around with you in his arms bridal style. He skidded to a stop and set you down, holding your hand for support. "Wow you're really good." Ashton joked, giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

Michael: "Fuck." Michael breathed as you both looked onto the ice rink. There were people doing complete jumps and twirls in the air. "We won't be doing that," you reply. "Unless you want to?" you finished with a laugh. Michael gave you a little push. "Not in a million years." You both walked in and rented ice skates and you led the way to the entrance, Michael trailing behind you. "Hurry up slowpoke." you said behind your shoulder. "I'm not into this." you hear Michael's voice in reasponse. You easily skated on the ice, turning to see Michael still at the entrance. "Hold my hands." He said. He looked embarrassed but you gladly took both his hands and helped on the ice. You guided him over to the center of the rink, his voice letting out a "shit fucking shit." every now and then. "I'm gonna let go now." you say. "no no no no-" Michael starts to say, but you let go anyways. Michael instantly slips and flops down on the ice, you both start cracking up. "Wow great form, Clifford." You say. "Its so much more fun down here!" Michael jokes as he looks up at you with squinting eyes and a cheeky smile. "Is it really?" you ask sarcastically. "Fuck no, my butt is cold." Michael replies, followed by a laugh. You sit down next to him. "You're right this sucks." you smile. "Told you we should've stayed inside." Michael says. You give his hair a playful toss and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Calum: You and Calum are the type of people who think you're good at everything, but in reality, you both suck at everything. Calum had suggested going ice skating today, and you happily agreed. "When's the last time you've gone ice skating?" you asked Calum in the car as he drove over to the mall. "Like, 5 years. What about you?" He asked. "Yeah, same, probably 5 years." You replied. You both looked over at each other and let out a "pffft." at the same time. "We got this." you said in a serious-yet-joking tone. You both hurried into the rink and got ice skates. "Yeah, hardcore!" Calum cheered as he ran to the entrance. He jumped onto the ice and instantly slipped and fell. You ended up doing the same thing. You both started cracking up on the cold, slippery floor. At this point, the rest of this activity will be taken as a joke. The rest of the afternoon was spent with you and Calum attempting advanced tricks and falling down and laughing your asses off. People were staring at you guys, but you guys really didn't give a shit. "All this failing is making me tired." you joke. Calum leaned in and kissed you randomly. "What was that for?" you asked. "Nothing," Calum replied. "You're just so cute." 

Luke: "Are you good at ice skating?" Your boyfriend asked as you strapped a pair of skates around your feet. "I'm alright, you?" you asked. "Hm. I'm okay." Luke answered, a smirk plastered on his face. He was more than okay. He was a beast on the ice. Something you never knew about him. It was difficult to keep up with his speed. "Cmon babe you gotta be faster." Luke laughed as he skidded to a stop. You slid over to him, panting. "How come you never told me about your secret abilities?" you groan. Luke shrugged. "You never asked!" You rolled your eyes. "Hey, lets make this interesting," Luke proposed. "how about, you race me to the other end of the rink, and if you win, I'll uh... buy you that sweater you were obsessing over last week.  And if I win, you have to make me breakfast for a whole week." You looked down to the other edge of the rink, it was pretty far. But that sweater was really cute. You turned back to Luke. "You're on, Hemmo." You announced. You both backed up to the wall, and Luke counted down. "Ready... set... GO!" You both instantly took off, Luke taking the lead. Shit. you thought to yourself. Luke was about 3/4 the way there when you reached the half way mark. Suddenly, you felt your self slip and you went face down to the ice. You let out a scream, and Luke was at your side within a second. "You alright?" he asked, his voice full of alarm. "Yeah, I'm fine." you laughed. "Did you finish?" you asked him. "What?" he said. "The race." You replied. "No...." Luke's voice trailed off. He looked down at you and shook his head. "You're lucky I love you." He says as he picks you up bridal style. He skates over to the ice rink's wall and puts you down. "You win." Luke smiles. You lean up and give him a kiss, which instantly warms you both.

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