(5SOS) You Interact with fans on your/his Twitter...

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You Interact with fans on your/his Twitter...

Calum: 'ugh (Y/N) is so fucking ugly why is calum with her pls', 'it's not even funny how fat (Y/N) is wtf ugly whore', 'ha ha ha (Y/N) wore shorts out for a meal with cal lastnight is she srs' were just a few of the comments you were reading on Calums twitter by some fans. You knew that by getting with Calum you might get some hate because obviously you were dating the idol of many girls, you expected it. But what you hoped was that you'd be able to interact morw with fans, so they would get to know you more and realise that you aren't any different to them. You're still just a normal girl, its just you were dating a boy who influenced a lot of peoples lives, and you were so proud of him for that. Calum knew about that hate you were getting so he always tried to protect you from it meaning you didnt get a chance to talk to the fans and let them get to know the real you. You decided to make a twitter account seeing as you never bothered with it before. You told Cal you had made one and why and a worried look spread across his face but he just smiled and followed you. “Calum5SOS: guysss, (Y/N) just got twitter! (Y/T/N), follow her, and be nice :) love yous xx”, you smiled when you seen Calums tweet and within minutes you were getting hundreds of follows, mentions and fans asking questions. After a few days, you seen a tweet from a fan saying '(Y/N), hiiii! you and calum are perfect together but i wanted to know how you handle some of the hate your getting? your beautiful btw love u #(Y/N)followspree', a huge smile spread across your face and you instantly tweeted back, 'I focus on knowing there are gorgeous sweet fans like you who accept Cal is happy, thank you sweetie, I love you too! <3' you followed her and realised more and fans were tweeing '(Y/N)followspree' so thats what you did. Calum ran in the sitting and jumped onto the couch with you in just his joggers, and kissed you. “Yayyy, the fans are tweeling lovely things about you! Now they love you nearly as much as I do!”, you laughed at him giving him another kiss.

Ashton: You were lying on the settee with Ashton watching Harry Potter, but Ashton was so tired and he fell asleep half way through. You covered him with his jacket that was beside you and yuo cuddled into him, he pulled you close protectively and sighed in his sleep. It was just getting to a good part when suddenly Ashtons phone started to ring. Calums name was flashing on his phone, so to make sure it doesnt wake Ashton up from his deep sleep, he looked too peaceful, so you answered it, “Hey Cal, Ashton’s asleep at the minute, he’s shattered! I’ll get him to call you back?”, you whispered, Calum agreed, said goodye and put down the phone. While you had Ashtons phone unlocked you thought you’d have a look on twitter. You suddenly thought of a clever plan including.. Ashton.. asleep.. ann the camera.. on his phone.. and twitter. You quitely stood up and got into a position where yould get a clear photo of sleepy Ashton. You succesfully got a photo and posted on his twitter saying ‘Guess who fell asleep?? The first 250 to retweet it will get a follow off him when he wakes up! Love you guys xo’. The tweets came rolling in off fans laughing and saying how amazing you are for doing it. Ashton woke up an hour later and you told him what you had done. “Oh god, that photo is awful! I’ll get you back (Y/N)!”, he shouted, and he chased you around the settee, making you fall over with laughing too much.

Michael: You and Michael were out on a date at a local restaraunt but a fan had took a photo of you both from outside and tweeted it and now suddenly there was a swarm of girls outside shouting of you both. “Do you want to go out the back way? It’s fine if you do,” Michael asked you, putting his arms around your waist from the back and resting his head on your shoulders. “No, its fine. I want to go see your girls, and they deserve to see you”, you replied, turning to face him. He smiled and kissed your nose. He took hold of your hand and walked out. The noise level of the girls got louder and louder. Fans from left right and center were asking for photos, some wanted a hug, some just wanted to talk to you and Mikey. What no-one noticed was that you were writing down all the twitter names girls were shouting out, and you were going to make sure you followed them all when you got home, including Michael. When you got home, you told Michael what you had done and his usual perfect smile spread across his face. You both spent the next few hours following all of the fans and tweeting some of them.

Luke: Luke was on twitter doing answering fans questions and you couldn’t help but read the questions and the tweets, happiness coming over you each time you seen a tweet from a fan telling Luke how far he has come and how proud they are of him; just like you were. One of the questions a fan had tweeted said “luke, do u love (Y/N) more than you love penguins?”, Luke replied with “Luke5SOS: oh god that is a hard question, but (Y/N) is capable of doing things a penguin wouldn’t ever be able to do haha x”. Your cheeks went bright red, replies from fans flooded in asking what kind of things you can do and saying how Luke is a ‘little shit’. You instantly tweeted Luke, “(Y/T/N): Luke5SOS excuse me Mr Hemmings, you can’t say that on Twitter! X”, hundreds of people retweeted your tweet and within a few minutes Luke had replied, “Luke5SOS: (Y/T/N) I DIN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT EVERYONE, I MEANT SHE CAN TALK, because like .. a penguin can’t haha”, you walked downstairs to where Luke and the boys were sitting eating and playing on the xbox. The boys turned to see you and laughed, which caused Luke to look, “Oh hello you”, he said, a joking tone to his voice. “Don’t you ‘hello’ me, mister!”, causing everyone to laugh. Luke ran up to you, giving you a long kiss, “I’m sorry, princess!”, you laughed, putting our arms round his shoulders, “It’s fine, silly! It was quite funny,” you reassured him. “Oh god, get a room!”, Michael shouted, causing Luke to blush.

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