(5SOS) "Can I kiss You?"

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Luke: ”Can I kiss you?” He whispers weakly, his eyes glancing into yours briefly before looking back down at his shoes. You simply nod and bite down lightly on your lip before connecting your lips to his. He slowly pulls away; his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. “Wow.” He whispers, a smile breaking out onto his face. You quickly say goodbye before beginning to head home. A simple tug on your sleeve causes you to turn around in which you are met by his warm, swollen lips for a slightly more passionate embrace.

Calum: He interlaces your hand with his from across the couch, pulling you over to him, immediately getting lost in your eyes when they meet. “Can I kiss you?” He stutters out, immediately regretting his words. You can’t just ask your friends to kiss them. ”I’m sorry.” He sighs. Removing himself from beside you, he places his hands in his lap. You crawl over to him. “Don’t be.” You whisper, gently covering his lips with yours.

Ashton: His hands hit the ground right beside your head. “I got you.” He chuckles as you try to wiggle your way out of his strong grip. He couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you looked; giggling obnoxiously with your hair all over the place. The way the skin around your eyes crinkled when you laughed mixed in with quiet, pig-like snorts every now and then only made him more intoxicated with you. Unable to stop himself, he slowly leans into your lips, pressing onto them gently. “Can I kiss you?” He says against your lips.

Michael: He didn’t know what came over him; whether it be the one too many drinks that were shared or it be how your eyes twinkled underneath the moonlight. “Can I kiss you?” He slurs out. You drunkenly nod and he connects your lips for a hard and passionate kiss. You both slowly stumble out of the bar; your lips still connected, your hands exploring one another’s bodies. Slowly making your way over to whoevers flat was closest.

(Credit: Tumblr)

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