(1D) A 5SOS Member gets a Little Close...

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A 5SOS member gets a little close...

Liam: "No, no, hold them like this," Ashton laughs, adjusting the drumsticks in your palms. "Right," you nod, laughing as he turns the sticks the right way. "And now you tap this twice and this once for the basic beat," he explains, hands hovering over yours. "This a drum lesson?" Liam walks by the room and smirks, raising an eyebrow. "Ah, yeah, she was waiting for you...she looked bored and she kept eyeing the drums so I, uh," Ashton runs his fingers through his hair nervously and takes a step away from you. "Go on, I don't mind," Liam replies earnestly, laughing at Ashton's worried smile. "You bang those drums, babe."

Louis: "It's freaking freezing in here," you shiver, tugging your cardigan tighter around your waist as members of 5sos and the crew play video games and chat backstage. "No it's not!" Calum protests, shrugging off his hoodie. "Maybe I'm used to it," he laughs, sliding it over your shoulders and squeezing you in a hug. "Aye! Keeping my girlfriend warm over there, Cal?" Louis smirks, heading offstage towards where you are. "Ah, yeah," Calum moves away and shrugs. "That's what friends are for, mate."

Harry: "Give me a strawberry," you mutter lazily, eyeing the plate on the table. "Don't wanna move," Michael grumbles from the other side of the sofa as the two of you wait for Harry to return from the bathroom. You three had decided on a miniature movie night rather than going to play football with the other boys. "I don't wanna move either," you groan, nudging his arm. "Pleeeease, Mikey?" He sighs and dramatically grabs a strawberry from the platter, placing it in your mouth so you don't have to move. "We feeding each other fruit now?" Harry laughs, plopping back down on the sofa as he grabs a grape from the platter, tossing it in Michael's mouth. "Me next."

Zayn: "You've got a ladybug on your collarbone," Luke points out, breaking away from his conversation with Louis and Michael. "Me?" you ask, reaching a hand towards your neck. "Don't move!" he says gently, reaching out and picking up the ladybug with his hand before letting it fly away. "Did you just..." Zayn raises an eyebrow when he sees Luke's hand and nervous flush. "No!" you both say at once, laughing. "Ladybug," Luke explains as you nod. "Oh, I heard that's good luck if a ladybug lands on you," Zayn smiles, nodding his head. "Must be lucky today."

Niall: "I can't believe you're actually letting me try my new miniature hair straightener on your hair," you laugh, gently straightening one of Ashton's curls. "Well, no one else has curly hair and I know Harry wasn't gonna let you do it after last time," he laughs with a shrug. "Plus I can just wet my hair after and boom, curly again." "Ow!" you glance down at your now red and burnt palm. "Oh, let me see," Ashton turns around, cradling your hand in his. Suddenly you notice Niall behind you in the mirror. "Um?" You both look up and Ashton steps away. "She burnt her hand, I should, um, go get ice or something," he decides, heading towards the kitchen.

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