It's Just Laundry (Barry Berkman)

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Y/N walked through her and Barry's house looking for the laundry that she knows she put in the dryer. She opened the door to her and Barry's bed room and stopped in her tracks not making a sound.

She found her amazing husband folding the laundry she had been looking for. She leaned against the door frame and silently watched Barry fold the laundry.

As Y/N watched him, she thought back to when she first met Barry at the acting class and how unhappy he was with his life. She thought about the time when she and Barry shared their first kiss. It might have been an on stage kiss, but it had lead them to where they are today.

Y/N thought back to when Barry had come clean about being a hit man. He opened up to her and told her everything that had happened. He even told her about Fuches, Hank, and what really happened to Mr. Cousineau's girlfriend. Barry has told her that he wanted to turn his life around.

Y/N was shocked to hear this, but she didn't judge him or stop loving him. She helped him change, and now, the only jobs that concerned Barry were taking care of Y/N and acting.

She focused her attention back to him quietly folding the laundry noticing how happy and content he was. He was at total peace and this made Y/N smile.

Barry causally looked up and saw Y/N propped on the door frame smiling at him.

"Why are you smiling at me? It's just laundry."

Barry's words caused Y/N to snap out of her daze. She blinked her eyes and focused them back on Barry.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about how happy you look folding the laundry."
"I'd be even happier if my beautiful wife decided to come help me finish it."
"All you had to was ask."

She walked over to the bed and pulled Barry into a kiss. She let go of him and started folding one of his white under shirts, thinking about how she wouldn't want her life to be any different. She loved Barry for who he was, even if he steals the laundry.

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