I Want This (Officer Slater)

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Y/N didn't realize she was almost two months late till her coworker said something about needed tampons. She mentally cursed her self for not realizing in sooner, but the past two months have been hectic. Between her job and her family, she barely had time to do anything for herself.

As soon as she left work, she went straight to the store and bought three pregnancy tests before heading home. When she arrived home, she took all three tests and waited for the results.

Y/N already knew what the results of the test were gonna be. There was no denying that she was pregnant. She had thrown up  the past couple of mornings, but she overlooked it.

She heard her timer go off,  and she walked back into the bathroom and looked at the tests lying on the counter. All three of the showing positive results. Y/N hung her head and sighed. She definitely had to call him now.

Y/N had met Slater at a bar after her shift. She had an awful day, and she needed to forget all about it. She wasn't drunk when he said something about going back to his place, so she agreed.

They had an amazing night together. They shared passionate kisses and soft touches. Y/N thought she had met the man if her dreams, until his bedroom door slammed opened, and an angry looking woman walked in.

Y/N jumped out of his bed as fast as she could and gathered her stuff as his wife started yelling. She felt so awful that she interfered with their marriage. He didn't even tell her that he was married.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when heard the microwave go off, signaling that her after work snack was done being warmed up. She grabbed the tests and went into her kitchen. She sat down at her kitchen table and stared at Slater's number on her phone. She finally gave in and decided to click on it.

It rang twice before he answered the phone with his wonderful that made Y/N melt.

"Hello, Slater here."
"Hey Slater. It's Y/N. We met at the bar about two months ago."
"Uh, I can't exactly place who you are."

Y/N shook her. She didn't want to say what she knew she had to say.

"We slept together then your wife came home."
"Oh shit, yeah. Y/N, hey. I've only ever seen one person run as fast as you did, and he was a teenage boy. So, what do I owe this pleasure?"

Y/N sighed. She didn't want to tell him the news over the phone, but she didn't know if she would be able to face him either.

"There's something I need to tell you, but I need to tell you in person. Is there anyway you could come over to my house?"
"Um, yeah sure. I get off work in about twenty minutes. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine."

Y/N gave him her address and hung up the phone. She dropped her hand to the table, dreading the conversation her and Slater would have later. She decided to clean around the house to busy herself

When she got through cleaning, she changed her clothes to something a little nicer than her work attire. She was looking over herself in a mirror when she heard a car pull up. She looked out her window and saw Slater getting out of a police car.

She didn't know that he was police officer, and she made a mental note about how hot he looked in that uniform. She watched him as he made his way to her front door. He knocked and she opened the door.

"Hey Slater. Come on in."

Y/N let Slater into her house. He walked in, and they both stood there awkwardly before she started to speak.

"Would you like anything to drink?"
"I'll take a beer if you got one."
"Yeah, sure. You can make yourself comfortable in the living room if you want too."

She turned and walked towards her kitchen. Slater looked around a bit before heading towards her living room. He sat down on her couch and nervously tapping her foot. Y/N walked into the room and handed him his beer.

"No problem. So, how's your wife?"
"You mean ex-wife."
"Oh shit. Am I the reason you two go divorced?"

Slater chuckled at Y/N's question. She gave him a confused look. He reached out and patted her thigh.

"No, you're not the reason. We got divorced because she was an actual whore. Like blowing guys on the side of the street for money whore. That's how I found out. My partner and I saw her doing it."
"That fucking sucks, Slater. I'm so sorry, and I'm sorry I left and didn't look back."
"It's completely okay, and I don't blame you for getting the hell out of dodge. I though sour following you, but I didn't want to scare you anymore."
"So, on the phone I said I had something to tell you."

Slater took a drink of his beer then turned his attention to Y/N. She opened the coffee table drawer and pulled out the tests, lying them on the couch in between her and Slater.

"I'm pregnant."

Slater's mouth fell open as he stared at the three tests. Y/N couldn't read his expression and began thinking that he was angry.

"I just found out today, and you're the only person I've slept with recently. This isn't me asking you for anything either. I just figured that you want to know."

Slater finally looked up at Y/N, a shocked expression still on his face.

"Y-You're pregnant? And I'm the father?"
"Holy shit."

Y/N was still worried that Slater was angry. She didn't know what to do, but let words ramble out of her mouth.

"I totally understand if you don't want this, and-"
"What? What make you say that? I want this, and I want you. I'm gonna be a daddy. We're gonna be parents."

Slater started smiling, and Y/N's nerves eased off a bit. Suddenly, he jumped off the couch, pulling Y/N with him. He wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her tightly, but being careful not to squeeze her to tight. He pulled away a bit and looked in her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her softly. She kissed him back, but pulled away before the kiss got out of hand.

"Y/N, I want to be a part of your life and the baby's life. I want to be here for everything. From doctor's appointments to late night/early morning trips to the store to get you whatever you need. I want to take care of you and the baby. You two are the most important people in my life now, and I swear I'll always protect the both of you. Will you let me be in your lives? Do you want me too?
"Yes, Slater. Of course, I want you. I definitely want you to be a part of our lives. You're the only person I've thought about for the past almost two months."

Y/N wrapped her arms around Slater's waist and kissed him again. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her with the same amount of passion. He pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. He moved his hands and rested them on her growing baby bump.

Slater smiled as he thought about how amazing being a dad would be. He knew that he could conquer anything as long as he had Y/N there beside him.

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