You're Seriously Talented (Richie Tozier)

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(Part 21 of Is The Baby Mine?)

Richie and Y/N were enjoying their honeymoon even though they missed Finn. They FaceTimed Y/N's parents every night to tell him goodnight and that they loved him.

It was their last full day in Hawaii, and Richie was laying on a lounge chair on the balcony of their room, enjoying the view and the gentle breeze that carried the scent of the ocean. He was comfortable, but his comfortableness was missing one thing. Y/N.

He looked through the sliding glass door into the hotel room, and his eyes landing on Y/N, who was siting in a chair and typing away on her laptop. He slowly got up from the lounge chair and walked back into the hotel room. He walked over to Y/N, and he wrapped his arms around her and began lightly kissing her neck. She giggled and ran a hand through his hair.

"Baby, it's the last day of our honeymoon. We should be curled up in a lounge chair enjoying the weather, not typing like a madman."
"In all honesty, you fell asleep out there, and you looked to peaceful to disturb."
"Mmhmm, what are you working on anyways?"

Richie began reading what Y/N had typed, and he a bit shocked. He discovered that she was fantastic writer.

"Babe, you're seriously talented. This is amazing. Have you written anything else?"
"Well, I actually have a whole novel written."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah, writing is my passion. Why do think I worked at that bookstore, while I was pregnant, till it got shut down?"
"I don't know. I thought you just liked books. Could I read your novel?"
"Of course."

Y/N pulled her novel up in her laptop, and she handed it to Richie. He began reading, and he only stopped occasionally to ask questions to which Y/N replied with 'keep reading, you'll figure it out'.

When he finished reading, he sat her laptop down in the table and looked at her with an unreadable look. Y/N began to get nervous, and her leg began to bounce.

"Well, what did you think?"
"I have no words for how amazing it was."
"Yes, the storyline and the characters draw you in, and you have to keep reading to find out what happens."
"So you liked it?"
"Liked it? I loved it. Could I have Bill look into it? We could email him a copy of the novel, and he could give you a professional opinion, but I believe that he would love it too."
"Really, you'd do that for me?"
"Of course. I'd do anything for my beautiful wife."
"I love you, Richie."
"I love you too, Y/N."

Y/N leaned towards him, and he met her halfway in a gentle but sweet kiss. They pulled away from each other and smiled. Richie grabbed her laptop and began tying an email to Bill with a copy of Y/N's novel. He smiled at Y/N as he sent it.

Richie knew that his passion was comedy and making people laugh, but he couldn't for the life of his figure out Y/N's, and now that he knows, he'll do whatever it takes to support her through her writing journey. He loved her so much, and he wanted her to be happy with her passion.

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