I Can Teach You (Nick Kringle)

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Y/N couldn't believe that the Nick Kringle had asked her out on a date. Guys don't usually ask her out, and the fact that a Kringle had shocked her.

Y/N had grown up with Nick and Noelle. Her and Noelle were the same age and they were really good friends. Y/N had always thought that Nick was cute, but she never said anything about it because he was a Kringle and his sister was her friend.

Y/N heard a knock on her door, and when she answered it, she saw Nick standing there with a smile on his face. She welcomed him into her house and as soon as Nick walked in, he automatically walked over by her fireplace.

"So, are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, I believe that I am."
"Oh my garland, I almost forgot to ask. Do you have ice skates?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Go, get them and you'll find out later."

Y/N walked to her bedroom to find her skates leaving Nick alone in the den with fireplace roaring. She returned triumphantly raising the skates in the air.

"I found them and let me say, they were not where I left them."
"That's jolly! If you're ready, we can get going."
"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go. Where exactly are we going Nick?"
"Don't worry, you'll see."

And with that, they exited Y/N's house walking through the town. They stopped at the café, and Nick ordered two double hot chocolates, one with extra whipped cream and peppermint.

They walked through town drinking their hot chocolates and telling each other about themselves. Y/N hadn't noticed where they were walking to. She was just enjoying Nick's company.

When Nick stopped walking, Y/N finally looked around to notice that they weren't in town anymore. They were a little ways into the forest, standing in front of a huge froze lake.

"Woah, Nick. This place is beautiful."
"See, I told you that you'd find out why you needed ice skates, but I think that you're more beautiful."

Y/N looked over at Nick and noticed that his cheeks were more rosier that usual. She gave him a big smile that he gladly returned.

"So, you ready to ice skate?"
"Actually, I've never been ice skating."

Nick looked at her with a shocked expression. She giggled at the sight of his face.

"Hold your reindeer! You've never been ice skating? Why do you have ice skates then?"
"They were a gift from your sister. I guess she assumed that I knew how to ice skate, then apologized after realizing that I didn't."
"I can teach you how to ice skate if you like."
"Really, you'd do that?"
"Yeah, of course. I'm a Kringle. We know all the tricks."

Nick helped Y/N put on her skates, then he put his on. He stepped out on the ice before she did. Nick reached his hand to her and she gladly took it.

Nick held Y/N's hands as he slowly started to move on the ice. Y/N was starting to get the hang of it, so he let go of one of her hands, and they skated hand in hand.

Y/N was slowly losing her grip on Nick's hand as they skated apart, and before she knew it, she was skating by herself.

"Hey, Nick! Look! I'm doing it! I'm skating all by myself-AHHH!"

Y/N slipped and fell on the ice. Nick skated to her side to make sure she was okay.

"Oh my garland! Y/N, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think so. I might have sprained my ankle though."
"Come on. Let me help you up."

Nick helped Y/N up and notice that she couldn't put any pressure on her ankle. He carefully picked her up and skated back to the edge of the ice. He sat her down and helped her take her skate off to inspect her ankle.

Y/N winced as Nick carefully touched her ankle. He didn't like to see her in pain.

"Ow, ow. It really hurts."
"I'm so sorry Y/N. Your ankle looks a little swelled. Let's see if we can get your boot back on, and I'll take you to my house and have mom look at it."
"Okay, just please be careful with it."

Nick successfully put her boots on her. He helped her stand and tried to think of the best way to carry her so he didn't hurt her or himself.

"I'm gonna give you a piggy back ride so you don't have to walk on your ankle. Is that okay?"
"That's completely okay, Nick."

Nick helped Y/N get in his back, and they started their walk back to town. Once they arrived back in town, Nick noticed that some people were giving them weird looks, but he didn't let it bother him. He was worried about getting Y/N to his house safely.

Nick carefully opened the door to his house and say Y/N down on the couch. He went to get his mom to check on her ankle.

Elf Polly saw Y/N sitting on the couch and walked over to her.

"Oh holy night, Y/N. What happened?"
"Nick took me ice skating, and I fell and I'm pretty sure I sprained my ankle. He went to go find his mom."
"Would you like anything to drink? A hot chocolate maybe?"
"A hot chocolate does sound nice. Thank you, Polly."

Polly nodded her head and headed toward the kitchen. Nick returned shortly after with some pillows, blankets, compression wrap, and an ice pack. Y/N smiled sweetly at him as he set all the items down.

"My mom isn't home right now, but I called her and she told me what to do."

Nick slowly took her boots off and placed two pillows under her ankle to elevate it. Next, he took the compression wrap and carefully wrapped it around Y/N's hurt ankle. Then, he carefully placed the ice pack on her ankle.

"You're so sweet Nick. Thank you so much."
"It's no problem Y/N. I actually like taking care of you."

Y/N maneuvered herself and patted the spot next to her on the couch. Nick covered her with a blanket before sitting next to her in the couch. Y/N rested her head in his lap once he got settled on the couch.

"Hey, Y/N?"
"Yeah, Nick."
"I'm sorry our date didn't go well."
"What do you mean? I had an amazing time with you today."
"Really? You did?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"Because you fell."
"It was an accident, Nick. You're an amazing guy and I'm so glad that you asked me out."

Without thinking, Nick started to lean down towards Y/N. She met him halfway in a sweet kiss. He licked her bottom lip and she moved her hands to his hair.

They were interrupted when they heard someone clear their throat. They look up to see Polly standing in front of them with two mugs full of hot chocolate. They thanked her for the hot chocolate and she left them to be alone.

Y/N sat up a little and Nick captured her lips into another kiss. She pulled away and laid her head back down on his lap, thinking about how she'd never let him go.

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