He's Not Gonna Hurt Me (Bill Hader)

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(Part 3 of I'm Available)

Rumors about Y/N and Bill began to spread around the office. People were talking and whispering about how they had been acting towards each other.

They would sneak off to steal kisses from each other and take glances at each other from across the room. Fred caught wind of the rumors, and he became concerned for Y/N.

Ever since Y/N began working at the SNL office, Fred became like a big brother to Y/N. He would always check up on her and make sure that she was okay. Y/N was grateful that Fred would check in. It showed that he genuinely cared about her.

Y/N was sitting in her office alone when Fred quickly came in and shut the door behind him. She shot her head up and gave Fred a confused look as he sat down beside her.

"Jesus, Fred. Are you okay?"
"Tell me the rumors aren't true."
"What rumors?"
"The rumors about you and Bill."

A shocked expression came to Y/N's face as she heard Fred's words. She and Bill had been secretive about their interactions. She blinked her eyes as Fred waved his hand in front of her face.

"Hello. Earth to Y/N."
"I'm sorry, Fred. I zoned out, I guess."
"So, are the rumors true?"
"Yes, they're true."

Fred let out a loud gasp, and Y/N slapped her hand over his mouth. He widened his eyes at her and removed her hand from his face.

"Really, Bill? Y/N, what the hell are you thinking?"
"What do you mean? What's wrong with Bill?"
"He's gonna break your heart, and when he does, I'm gonna have to be the one that kicks his ass because he hurt my little sister."

Y/N turned towards Fred and grabbed both of his hands in a comforting way. She squeezed his hands and gave him a small smile.

"He's not gonna hurt me. At least, not on purpose, and if he does, then you have my permission to kick his ass. You don't have to worry about me all the time."
"I know. I just worry because I love you, and I hate to see you upset."
"I love you too, Fred."

Y/N pulled Fred into a hug and release him when the door to Y/N's office opened. Bill walked in and stopped when he saw Fred sitting with Y/N. Fred stood up and walked over to Bill. He stood right in front of Bill and spoke loud enough to where Y/N could hear.

"If you hurt her, I swear to God that I will fucking kick your ass. You have been warned."

With that, Fred walked out of Y/N's office and shit the door behind him. Bill looked at Y/N with a confused look, and she chuckled lightly.

"What the hell was that about?"
"Apparently, there's rumors going around the office about us."
"Well, that's not good."
"Fred came in here and asked me if the rumors were true, and I told him the truth."

Bill walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She snaked her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him.

"I guess the whole office knows about us now."
"I don't have a problem with telling them if you don't."
"I don't a problem at all. So, are you gonna kiss me?"
"Well, I thought about it."
"Bill, stop teasing."

Bill leaned down and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. They were too involved in the kiss to here the office door open. They quickly pulled away when they heard someone speak.

"Everyone, the rumors are true. They're in there making out now."

Bill ran over to the door and pushed Jason away from the door and laughed.

"Well, there's no need for us to tell everyone because Jason just did."

Y/N laughed as she watched Bill opened the door to find everyone standing outside of it. Yeah, today was gonna be a long day.

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