I'm So Proud Of You (Richie Tozier)

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(Part 23 of Is The Baby Mine?)

Y/F/M = Your Favorite Meal

Y/N's foot nervously tapped against the floor as she sat in the waiting room of Bill's publisher. Bill was sitting beside her, and he could sense that she was tense. He reached over and patted her shoulder.

"Hey, take a deep breath. You're an amazing writer. He's gonna love the novel."
"Thanks for doing this, Bill."
"It's not a problem. The industry is running low on new authors nowadays."

Before Y/N could answer him, the door to the office opened, and a man welcomed them in. They shook his hand and say down in the chairs in front of his desk.

"Hi, Y/N! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dave Reynolds, Bill's publisher."
"It's nice time meet you."
"So, I read the copy of your book that Bill sent, and I didn't like it. I loved it. You're a very talented writer. I want to publish your book."
"Oh my God! Thank you so much."
"Alright, now let's talk details."

Y/N, Bill, and Dave talked about the main details of her book. They talked about cover ideas, whether the book should be hardback or paperback, and the short synopsis that goes on the back cover.

They decided to go have lunch at a nearby restaurant.  Y/N sent Richie a text, telling him everything. He texted her back saying congratulations with heart and kissy faced emojis.

They ate lunch, then went back to Dave's office to talk more about her book. It was beginning to get late, so they called it a day and went their separate ways. Y/N drove home and tried her best not to freak out about everything while driving.

She made it home, safe and sound, and she grabbed her things and got out of her car. She walked up to the front door and opened it, walking into the house. She hung her purse up as a delicious smell filled her nose. She walked into the kitchen and saw Richie standing in front of the stove, stirring something while dancing to the music he had playing.

"Well, that's something I never thought I'd see."

Richie jumped and quickly turned around, and he huffed out a sigh of relief as he saw Y/N standing there.

"You literally scared the shit out of me. How the hell did you creep in here so quietly?"
"I don't know, but you look hot standing in front of the stove."
"Well, why don't you come over here and show me how hot."

Y/N quickly made her way over to Richie, and she pulled him into a loving kiss. They pulled away, and Y/N smiled at Richie.

"Where's Finny"
"He's in the playpen in the living room. And before you say something, I have been checking on him frequently."
"I wasn't going to say anything. I know that you're capable of caring for Finn. He is your son after all."

Y/N quickly pecked Richie's lips before leaving to walk into the living room. She walked over to the playpen and pulled Finn into her arms. She carried him back into the kitchen and sat down at the table with him in her arms. She looked back over at Richie and saw that he had went back to cooking.

"What're cooking over there, good looking?"
"Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you. I'm cooking Y/F/M to celebrate your book being published."
"Aw, Rich. You didn't have too."
"Yes, I did. You deserve a nice family dinner with your guys to celebrate your amazing book."

Y/N smiled at Richie before going back to playing with her beautiful son in her lap. Soon, Richie had finished cooking their dinner, and Y/N stood up and put Finn in his high chair. She walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a small jar a baby food and a baby spoon. She helped Richie set the table, and they sat down as a family.

Richie fixed his and Y/N's plate as she got Finn settled. She opened the baby food and fed him a small amount. Richie stares at his wife and son with adoring eyes, and he wouldn't trade their little, sweet family moments. Y/N gave Finn another spoon of baby food before turning her attention to Richie, who's eyes were locked on her.

"You okay there, Rich."
"I'm perfect, baby. I couldn't ask for a better life."
"I love you, husband."
"I love you too, wife."

They began to eat the dinner that Richie cooked as the both took turns feed Finn little bites of baby food. Finn finished before Y/N and Richie, and Y/N wiped him down before grabbing him a bottle. She sat back down in her chair and fed him his bottle, which he could basically hold himself with her help. She looked up at Richie and noticed that he had a look on his face like he was contemplating something.

"What're you thinking about over there?"
"Uh, what? Sorry, I was just thinking about how proud I am of you. You're absolutely amazing. You're the best wife and mother in the world, and you're such a talented writer. Me and Finn really lucked out with getting you. I love you so much more than you realize, baby."
"Richie, I love you too, honey. And hey, I'm proud of you too. You go and do your comedy shows to provide for us and you're a fantastic husband and dad. You're amazing too."

Richie and Y/N smiled at each other and shared a laugh as Finn screeched out a noise to make his presence known. They might not be the most perfect family in the world, but the love the shared was unbreakable. There was no separating U/N and Richie. They vowed to be together, and nothing could tear them apart.

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