Can You Be Serious, Please (Bill Hader)

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Y/N loved her job. She got to interview celebrities and talk about their upcoming movies and events. Today was going to be a rough day, because she had to interview her husband, Bill Hader, for IT: Chapter 2.

Y/N was already preparing herself for many off topic discussions and him distracting her. This was going to be a disaster.

Once Bill arrived, the production crew got them both mic'd and they situated themselves in their chairs on the set. Y/N smiled as the director motioned for her to start.

"Hi, I'm Y/N Hader and this is Celebrity Insight. Today, I am here with the amazing Bill Hader, who plays Richie Tozier in the upcoming movie IT: Chapter 2. Hi, Bill. How are you?"
"Hello, gorgeous. I'm doing wonderful. How about you?"
"I'm doing good. By the way, yes, Bill is my husband. So, to those of you wondering, there is your answer."
"I liked it so I put a ring on it."

The camera cut to Bill and Y/N have him a stern look. He just smiled and winked at her.

"So, how was filming this movie?"
"It was good. How about you come over here and sit in my lap and ask the questions."
"BILL! Why?"
"You're too far away and I want you over here."
"Do you promise to answer all of the questions?"
"I promise. Cross my heart."

Y/N sighed as she stood up and walked over to where her husband was sitting. She moved in front of him and as soon as she sat down on his lap, his arms went around her torso. She pulled his arms off of her slightly, giving him another look.

"Keep it professional, Hader. I'm working, you know."
"Aw, come on babe. I'm just trying to have a little fun and loosen you up."

Bill leaned up and kissed her cheek. Y/N started blushing and cleared her throat to try to regain her professionalism. Bill giggled as he watched her collect herself.

"Alright, so, what did do to prepare for this role."
"You were there, so you should know."
"Just answer the question, please."
"Okay, okay. Well, I didn't read the book like everyone else. I just watched the first movie and paid close attention to how Finn Wolfhard played the younger version of Richie."

Y/N was kind of shocked that Bill actually gave her an actual answer. She just let that thought sit in her brain and kept asking the questions. Bill reached up and kissed her on the cheek again causing Y/N to jump out of her thoughts.

"Where was the movie filmed?"
"Is that really your next question?"
"Can you be serious, please?"
"That's such a boring question and have you met me. Give me your cards."

Bill took her reference cards out of her hands and looked at all the questions on them. Once he read all the questions on them, he threw the cards on the floor and grinned at Y/N.

"Bill, give me those. They have my questions on them."
"No, come up with your own questions. I know you did write those."
"If you don't quit, you're gonna have to cook dinner and clean the dishes by yourself tonight."
"Okay, fine."

Bill reached down and grabbed Y/N's cards. On his way leaning back up, Y/N places a sweet kiss on his cheek. He smiled and gripped her side a bit with the arm he had wrapped around her.

"Don't ask me anymore boring questions. Ask me good ones."
"Okay, I have a question for you and it's not on the cards."
"Lay it on me, babe."

Y/N smiled at Bill and cleared her throat before asking her question.

"How come, at the premiere, Andy Muschietti asked me why I married you? Like what did you do to piss him off?"
"Oh, I would correct him when he said something wrong. Like, once he told me to be like Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing, but instead on saying Swayze, he said Swayz. I would also do impressions of him and he didn't like it."

Bill was laughing really hard and snorting. Y/N just playfully rolled her eyes and smiled at her goofy husband. The director signaled for Y/N to wrap everything up. She straighten herself and started doing the outro.

"Thank you Bill for coming and being on the show. We enjoyed having you here."
"Thank you for inviting me, and thank you baby for putting up with my childish ways."
"Aw, you're welcome. It is a very hard task to do. Anyways, everyone make sure you go see IT: Chapter 2. It's in theaters now. For Celebrity Insider, I'm Y/N Hader. Thanks for watching."

As soon as Y/N finished her last sentence, Bill leaned up and kissed Y/N on the lips. After a couple of seconds, the director yelled cut, then smiled at Y/N and Bill.

"We're keeping that kiss in the final cut."
"Of course you are because why wouldn't you?"

Y/N stood up and grabbed Bill's hand helping him up. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked to her office. She smiled up at him and he winked at her. She knew this interview was going to be chaotic, but she loved every minute of it, and she loved him.

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