I Finally Beat You (Dave)

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Warnings: Reader is FTM

V/G = Video Game

Dave always beats Y/N at video games. Y/N hates losing, but he can't beat Dave. He can't even use the excuse that he lets Dave win because he has a crush on him because he's that bad at video games.

Y/N was determined to beat Dave, so he did the only thing he could think of. He asked Denise for help because she was amazing at video games. She was the only one who could actually beat Dave.

He knocked on Denise's door, and she opened it with a smile.

"Hey, Y/N. What's up?"
"I need tour help. Can you show me how to play V/G? I really wanna beat Dave the next time we play."
"Yes, of course. Come on in."

Y/N walked into Denise's house and followed her up the stairs to her bedroom. They sat down in her bedroom floor, and Denise began showing him how to play. It took some tries, but Y/N was starting to get better at the game. He eventually beat Denise, and she paused the game and smiled at him.

"I think you're ready to beat Dave."
"You really think so?"
"If you can beat me, you can beat Dave."

He smiled at Denise and pulled her into a hug. They played some more before Y/N went home.

The next day, Rod invited everyone over to hangout in his basement. Y/N was super excited. It was finally time to beat Dave.

The crew got settled in Rod's basement, and Dave and Rod began playing the game. Dave beat Rod, Kevin, and Rico. Dave laughed quietly as he took a sip of his beer.

"Anyone else wanna get beat by the master?"
"I bet I can beat you."

Dave looked at Y/N and laughed. He walked over to him and propped his arm on his shoulder.

"Y/N, you've never beaten me before. You're just gonna lose again."
"I think I can beat you this time. What if we made this interesting?"
"I'm listening."
"If you win, I'll work your next shift at the ice rink, and if I win, you have to kiss me."
"Okay, you're on. I hope your prepared to work tomorrow night."

Dave and Y/N shook hands, and they sat down on the couch and grabbed their controllers. The rest of the crew gathered around the couch and watched as they began the game.

Dave was really good at the game, but Y/N was determined to beat him. Halfway through the game, Dave was in the lead by a little, and Y/N tried his best to stay calm. The game ended, and Y/N jumped up and cheered. He finally beat Dave. The crew cheered for Y/N and high fived him. Dave sighed and sat his controller down as he stood up. Y/N turned towards him and smiled.

"You actually beat me. I'm shocked."
"I finally beat you!"
"How did you get so good at V/G?"
"Denise gave me lessons."
"Well, that explains it. I lost and I'm a man of my word so I owe you a kiss."

Dave moved closer to Y/N, and he cupped his cheek. Dave leaned down and captured Y/N's lips in a gentle kiss. Y/N wrapped his arms around Dave's waist and pulled himself closer to him. Dave pulled away slightly and smiled at Y/N. He looked up and saw that the crew was staring at them with approving looks.

Dave cleared his throat and moved further from Y/N and sat down on the couch, grabbing the controller again. Y/N walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer before sitting down on the couch on the opposite side. He was still in shock over the amazing kiss that he shared with Dave. It definitely added fuel to the fire of his crush on him.

Y/N wanted to be with Dave. He really did, but he didn't know how Dave felt. He did know that Dave had to feel something because no one can just kiss someone like that and there not be any feelings there. Y/N just had to be patient and wait to see where things would go for them. He hoped that they ended with Him being able to kiss Dave whenever he wanted to, but only time would tell.

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