It's Part Of The Job (Aaron Conners)

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It has been a slow night in the ER and Y/N was the only trama doctor on staff. She sat in an office chair behind the desk on the main ER floor almost sleep. She jumped when she heard the ER phone ring.

"New York-Presbyterian Hospital Emergency Room, how may I help you?"
"This is Aid Car 1 and we are en route to NYPH with a single car accident victim."
"How many minutes out?"
"We are about ten minutes out."
"Alright, thanks for the call."

Y/N hung up the phone and stood up from the desk. She walked over to the gowning station. She gowned and gloved her herself.

"All right, interns. We have a single car accident victim coming in. The aid car is about ten minutes out. Let's go."

The eager interns jumped up getting gowned and gloved. They followed Y/N through the bay doors and waited for the ambulance to arrive.

Once the ambulance stopped, Y/N rushed to it opening the back doors. A paramedic came out of the doors and helped the other paramedic pull the gurney out. He gave Y/N the patient's vitals and told her what they knew so far.

"Alright, let's get him to Trama 1 and get him stable."

Y/N and her interns guided the patient to the trama room. They were working hard to assess the patient's injuries when he flatlined.

"He's coding!"
"Alright, I'm starting compressions. Someone get me the paddles."

Y/N ordered her interns around the trama room. Thomas, one of her interns, brought in the defibrillator.

"Thomas, take over compressions. Charge the paddles to 200. Clear."

Y/N shocked the patient and nothing.

"Give him 1 mg of EPI. Charge to 250. Clear."

Y/N shocked the patient again and still nothing. She was losing him fast.

"Charge the paddles to 300. Clear."

Still nothing. Y/N had lost him. She hung her head and signed. She looked back up at the clock.

"Time of death 22:43."

Y/N pulled her gown and gloves off and walked out the trama room leaving her interns to finish up. She was leaning against the desk when she heard someone approach her.

"Dr. Conners?"
"Yes, Thomas."
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to take a walk. Page me when his family arrives."
"Okay, Dr. Conners."

Y/N walked out of the ER and sat on a bench close to the parking lot. She hung her head and started cry. She jumped when she felt someone wrap their arms around her.

Y/N looked up and saw that the arms belonged to her husband Aaron. She feel into his arms letting her tears fall.

"What's wrong, baby?"
"I-I lost a p-patient."
"I'm sorry sweetheart. Is there something I can do?"
"No, Aaron. There's nothing you can do. I have to tell the poor man's wife that her husband died on my watch. You've never had to do that so you won't get how it feels to basically ruin someone's life."

Aaron looked his wife with sad eyes, wishing there was a way he could comfort her. It's true that he's never lost a patient so he doesn't know what that feels like. Just then, an idea came to his mind.

"Hey, baby. Look at me."

Y/N raised her head and looked at him, sorrow radiating off of her. He wiped the tears from her eyes and put his hands in her cheeks.

"Yes, it's true that I've never lost a patient, but I have had procedures fail. That's kinda the same."

Y/N scoffed and gave him a look Aaron threw his hands up in defense.

"Hear me out. Sometimes I do procedures and they have bad outcomes. Like when a runner messes up their ankle and I operate on it and they don't fully recover. It's devastating, but it's part of the job. We're not going to have perfect outcomes every time, so we should celebrate the good outcomes and have sorrow for the bad ones."

Y/N wrapped her arms around Aaron's neck pulling him towards her. He let her cry on his shoulder til she received a page. They pulled away from each other, standing up.

"I've got to go. The patient's family is here and I have to break the news to them."
"Okay, hey."

Aaron pulled Y/N to him and placed a loving kiss on her lips. He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be okay. It's part of the job, right?"
"Yeah, I love you so much Y/N."
"I love you too Aaron."

Y/N pulled him into another hug and walked away, back into the hospital. As she walked, she thought about how much she loved Aaron. He must really love her too to try and compare death with a faulty ankle.

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