She's Your Daughter Too (Aaron Conners)

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Y/N knew it was a bad idea to sleep with her best friend, but she was drunk and didn't care. Aaron suggested that they go back to his place, and she agreed to go with him.

They had an amazing night filled with passionate touches and lustful kisses, but Y/N was gone before Aaron woke up. Two weeks later, Y/N found out that she was pregnant. She was afraid of his reaction, so she cut all ties to him.

Five years later, Y/N ran through the front door of the school in search of her daughter. She had gotten a call that Avery had fallen off the monkey bars, and the nurse said that her appeared to be broken. Y/N found Avery and rushed over to her. She got down on her knees and placed her hands on her daughter's cheeks, wiping her tears.

"Hey, sweetheart. What happened? Are you okay?"
"I-I was trying to do the monkey bars, and-and my hands slipped and I fell. My-my arms hurts."

Avery began to cry, and Y/N pulled her into her arms, attempting her to soothe her. She kissed the side of head and pulled back, looking into her eyes.

"We're gonna go to the hospital, and they're gonna fix your arm. Okay?"
"Okay, mommy."

Y/N gathered Avery's things and helped her get into the car. She drove to the hospital as fast as she could without endangering her daughter or breaking any laws.

They arrived at the hospital, and Y/N rushed Avery inside the ER. The nurse at the desk handed her a form to fill out, and they waited for her name to be called.

About ten minutes later, a male nurse opened the door and called Avery's name. He lead them into a little room behind the front desk and took Avery's vitals while asking her some questions.

"So, Miss Avery, how did you hurt your arm?"
"I was trying to do the monkey bars, and I fell."
"Ouch, I'm sorry sweetheart. Okay, if you'll follow me, I'll show you to her exam room."

Y/N and Avery followed the male nurse to a room, and Y/N helped Avery get situated on the bed. The nurse said that he paged  the on-call orthopedic doctor, and that he would be here as soon as could. Y/N nodded at the nurse, and he left room.

Y/N was playing with the ends of Avery's beautiful brown hair when the door opened.

"So, I hear we might have a broken arm in here."

Y/N turned towards the doctor, and her eyes widened as she saw Aaron standing there. He was shocked to see Y/N sitting there with a little girl clinging to her hand.

"Hey, Y/N. It's been awhile. How have you been?"
"H-Hey, Aaron. Uh, I've been good. How about you?"
"I've been okay. Who's this beautiful little girl?"
"This is Avery, my daughter."

Y/N and Aaron shared awkward eye contact for a couple of seconds before he shook his thoughts from his head. He sat in the doctor's stool, and he rolled himself over to Avery.

"Hi Avery. My name is Dr. Conners, but you can call me Aaron. How did you hurt your arm?"
"I was trying to do the monkey bars, and I fell."
"Aw, I'm sorry, princess. Do you mind if I look at it real quick?"

Avery nodded her head, and Aaron carefully examined her arm. Y/N smiled to herself as she watch Avery and Aaron interact for the first time. He stood up and walked over to the computer attached to wall, typing some things. He looked back towards Y/N and Avery, and he lightly smiled at them.

"I believe her arm is broken. I want to get some x-rays to make sure that no surgery is needed and to prove that it is actually broken. I'm going to step out and get a nurse, and they'll take her to get x-rayed."

Y/N nodded at Aaron, and he slipped out of the room. Her head fell to her hands as some many thoughts began to fill her head. She shot her head up when there was a knock on the door.

"Okay, sweetheart. It's time to get your arm x-rayed. She shouldn't be gone for too long."

The nurse helped Avery into a wheelchair, and he pushed her out of the room, leaving Y/N alone. There was a soft knock on the door, and Aaron reappeared into the room. He wheeled the doctor's stool towards her, and he sat down in front of her.

"You have a daughter."
"She's your daughter too."
"I'm so sorry, Aaron. I should have told you, but I was scared. I didn't know how you would react."

Aaron day in front of her with a shocked look on his face. He looked up at Y/N and saw that she was already looking at him.

"Why did you leave?"
"I figured you wanted a one night stand, and I didn't want you to break my heart."
"She's really mine?"
"Yeah, she's so much like you. She's super smart, and she loves sports. She has your beautiful eyes, and to me, she looks more like you everyday."

Before Aaron could respond, the door opened, and the nurse wheeled Avery back into the room. Aaron stood up and wiped his eyes as Y/N helped Avery back onto the bed.

"The images should be up already, doc."
"Thanks so much."

The nurse nodded and walked out the door. Aaron walked back over to the computer and pulled up Avery's x-rays.

"Her arm is definitely broken, so she'll need a cast. Let me go get the items, and I'll be right back."

Aaron walked out of the room, and Y/N say on the bed beside Avery. She had and Y/N if she had a daddy, and Y/N always told her yes. Avery didn't ask to many questions about him. Y/N decided that Avery deserved to know who her dad was.

"Hey, Av. You know how sometimes you ask me if you have a daddy?"
"Well that nice doctor, Aaron, he is your daddy. I'm so sorry for not telling you about him."

Just as Y/N finished speaking, Aaron cane back into the room, and Avery looked at him with wide eyes.

"Y-You're my daddy?"
"Yeah, princess. I'm your daddy."

Aaron laid the casting items in the bed and sat down on the doctor's stool. He wheeled over to Avery, and he smiled at her. She smiled back at him, and he began casting her arm.

"What's your favorite color?"
"Alright, a pink cast it is."

Aaron finished casting her arm, and Avery stared at it in amazement. He stood up and threw the trash away, and he smiled at the both of them.

"So, you guys are good to go. You'll need to make an appointment with me in about six weeks so we can take this cast off and do more x-rays. Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"I get off soon, and I was wondering if you two would like to join me for some ice cream. I want to learn everything about her. I've already missed so much, and I don't plan on missing anymore."
"Avery's has a hard day so I think she deserves some ice cream."

Y/N helped Avery off the bed and watched as she walked over to Aaron. She looked up at him, and he look down at her.

"Thank you for fixing my arm."
"It's no problem, princess."
"Can I call you daddy?"
"If you would like to."
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Of course, sweetheart."

Y/N smiled and wiped the tears that came to her eyes as she watched Avery hug Aaron. She should have told Aaron from the beginning, and she's a idiot for thinking that he would turn them away.

Y/N was happy that Avery finally met her daddy, and that Aaron finally met his daughter. Y/N knew that this was the start of something great, and Aaron felt it too.

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