Your Age Doesn't Bother Me (Bill Hader)

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Bill had fallen for Y/N, hard. He loved how her Y/E/C eyes sparkled when the sun hit them just right, her beautiful smile, and her gorgeous Y/H/C hair.

Y/N thought that Bill was absolutely handsome with his deep blue eyes, sharp jawline, and perfect smile. She loved every piece of him.

Y/N wanted Bill as much as he wanted her, but they were too afraid to tell each other how they really felt. Bill was afraid that he was too old for her, and Y/N was afraid that she was too childish for him.

Bill's friends, Fred, Seth, and John, decided that they wanted to go out tonight and they drug Bill out with them. When they arrived at the bar, their significant others and Y/N was waiting for them there.

The night had been going good. They drank, played darts, and shot some pool. Bill and John were siting at the bar, and Bill was staring at Y/N.

"You know, if you ask her out, she might say yes."
"Why would she yes to me? I'm way out of her age range. Bartender, can I get another one?"
"Okay, Bill. Number one: slow down on the drinks. Number two: are you really gonna let an age gap stop you from having the chance to be happy with her?"
"I want to be happy with her, but I don't know, John."
"Well, it's now or never."

John stood up and walked over to where his wife sat, leaving Bill alone at the bar. He sighed and ordered another drink, thinking about what John said.

It was getting late, so the group decided that they had had enough fun for tonight. Bill was drunkly leaning on Fred for support. John looked over at Y/N and have her a slight smile.

"Hey, Y/N. Do you mind taking Bill home? I told him to slow down, but he didn't listen to me."
"No, I don't mind at all. Come on, Bill."

Y/N walked over to a giggling Bill and put his arm around her shoulder, headed towards the door. She told their friends bye as they waited for their Uber.

The Uber arrived and Y/N helped Bill get into the car. Then she climbed in herself giving the driver Bill's address. Bill leaned over and laid his head her shoulder.

They arrived at Bill's house and Y/N hurried out of the car to hell Bill. Bill stumbled into his house when Y/N opened the door. She helped him up the stairs and lead him to his bedroom. She sat him down on the bed, and before she could get far, Bill pulled her by her hips towards him.

"You're pretty, Y/N."
"You're drunk, Bill."
"I think you're amazing. You're beautiful and I want to ask you out, but I'm afraid you'll say no because I'm an old man."

Y/N stared at him for a minute before shaking the thoughts out of her head trying to focus on the task at hand.

"Okay, Bill. Let's get you situated in bed."

Y/N pulled herself out of Bill's arms and helped him get into bed properly. She looked down at him and smiled. When she turned to walk away, Bill reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Stay with me, Y/N. Please."

Y/N smiled at Bill and pulled her shoes off sliding into bed beside him. He pulled her into his arms and drifted to sleep. She felt a new type of comfort lying in his arm and she fell asleep thinking about doing that every night with him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When Bill woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. He rolled over to look at the time on his phone when he noticed there was headache medicine and a glass of water on his nightstand. He took the medicine and laid his head back down.

Bill slowly blinked his eyes trying to remember the events of last night. Everything was fuzzy, and he couldn't quite remember how he got home.

He got up and walked downstairs, moving a little faster once he smelled coffee. He fixed himself a cup and took a big drink of it.

"Well, good morning, sleepyhead."

Bill turned around to find Y/N leaned against his counter with a smile plastered on her lips. He gave a confused look as he took another drink of his coffee.

"Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?"
"I brought you home from the bar last night. Do you remover anything that happened last night?"

Bill shook his head no as he went to set his coffee mug in the sink. Y/N laughed as she recalled the events from the previous night.

"Well, you got super drunk and John asked me to bring you home. When we got here, I helped you up stairs and you gave me a speech about how I'm pretty and that you'd ask me out, but you're afraid because you're an old man. Then I was going to leave when you asked me to stay and here we are now."

Bill facepalmed as last night's memories flooded his mind. He remembered everything as soon as she said it.

"Did you mean what you said or was it just drunk babbles?"
"I meant every word that I said. I want to be with you, but I'm out of your age range."
"You're age doesn't bother me, and I want to be with you too. I never said anything because I figured that you thought I was too childish."
"Have you met me? I'm literally a man child."

Y/N and Bill started laughing and he moved closer to her. He put his hands on her cheeks, leaned in, and kissed her. He pulled his lips away from hers and engulfed her into a big hug.

For once, John was actually right about something. Bill should've slowed down on the drinks and the age gap doesn't matter.

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