Are The Rumors True? (Bill Hader)

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Being in the movie industry, Y/N knew that she would have to endure countless interviews. She didn't mind doing them, but sometimes the interviewer would ask some personal questions.

She walked into the building, and an intern  lead her to the location of the interview. She sat down and chatted with the interviewer before the actual interview began. The director gave them a nod, and they began the interview.

"Hi, my name is Kelly Richardson, and welcome to Celebrity Scoop. Today, I am joined by the amazing Y/N L/N. Hi, Y/N. Thanks for being here today."
"Hey, thanks for inviting me."
"So, your new movie comes out in two weeks. Are you excited for everyone to see it?"
"I am. I hope that everyone goes and sees it, and I hope that they enjoy it."
"This has got nothing to do with your movie, but I have to ask. Are the rumors true?"
"I'm sorry? What rumors?"

Y/N gave Kelly a confused look as she smiled at her. Kelly readjusted herald and cleared her throat. She smiled at Y/N as she answered her.

"Some sources have rumored that you and Bill Hader are dating. Ever since you started working on Barry along side him, some people have noticed that you two have been spending some time together. So, I was just wondering if the sources where right."

Y/N tried her best to hide her worried look. She didn't even know that there were rumors going around about her and Bill. She gulped and chuckled nervously as she responded.

"Bill and I are really good friends. We like to hangout and get coffee or watch a movie together. He's a lot of fun to be around on set and off."
"Have you met his daughters, and if so, do they seem to like you?"
"I have, and yes. They like to go shopping with me and go get ice cream. We have girl talks, and they're very sweet."

Kelly smiled and nodded her head, and she went back to asking Y/N questions about her movie. Y/N mentally let out a sigh of relief as she listened to Kelly's questions.

When the interview was over, Y/N did bye to Kelly and the rest of the crew, and she walked out of the building to her car. She drove to his house, knowing that he was waiting for her.

When she arrived, she or out of her car and knocked on his door. He answered it with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi, Y/N."
"Hi, Bill."

He pulled her into his house and connected their lips. She kissed him back and ran her finger through his hair. They pulled away, and he moved his hand to cup her cheek. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"I've missed you all day, sweetheart."
"I missed you too, baby. I told you that I had that interview today."
"Oh yeah, I forgot. How did it go?"
"Well, apparently, there are rumors going around that you and I are dating."
"What did you tell the interview person?"
"I didn't let our secret slip."

She leaned in and pressed a quick peck on his lips before moving out of his grip and to the couch. She laid down on the couch, and Bill wrapped himself around her. As soon as he got comfortable, he left a content sigh. Y/N smiled as she ran her fingered through his hair again.

"You okay, Bill?"
"With you here, I'm perfect."

Y/N and Bill began to slowly drift to sleep as they cuddled on his couch. Even though nobody knew that they were together, they were happy. As long as they had each other, they would always be happy and loved.

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