Welcome To The Family (Barry Berkman)

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Y/N hated when her dad made her go with him to hits. She didn't like being in a hitman family, but it was her family legacy for everyone to learn the way of the business.

She thought tonight felt a little different as she followed behind her dad into a compound. She was still in her training so her dad thought it was best if she learned from him.

They quietly entered the Chechen compound and immediately took out the guards at the door. They snuck around a corner and creeped down a quiet hallway. They heard gun shots and quickly dove behind a wall. They heard someone groan and a loud thud following it. They moved cautiously through the hallways, towards where the groan came from.

They rounded a corner, and Y/N's dad immediately raised his gun and pointed at the figure sitting in the corner of a dead end hall. They carefully moved closer, and the figure jolted, suiting up straight and raising its hands with a groan.

"Please, don't shoot. I'll do anything. Please, I'm hit."

Y/N's dad motioned for her to stay back as he moved closer to the person. As soon as he saw who the person was, he lowered his gun and squatted down.

"Berkman? Barry, is that you?"
"Yeah, wait a minute. Colonel Y/L/N?"
"In the flesh. What the hell are you doing here, Berkman?"
"Paying a debt. I was hired to kill some of their guys, and they eventually caught me. So, I became their hitman, and I was trying to escape, but it slipped my mind that the big boss was coming in. They fired at me, and I took a hit but I managed to lose them in the halls."
"We gotta get you out of here before you bleed out. Y/N, come here."

Y/N moved closer to them, and Barry's eyes never left her as soon as he saw her. He thought she was absolutely beautiful. Her dad stood up and looked at her.

"Help me get Barry up, and I want you two to go back to the car and wait for me there. Go ahead and patch up his wound."
"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?"
"Don't worry about me, sweetheart. Just help Barry right now."

Y/N nodded at her dad, and Barry groaned as they helped him off the floor. She wrapped her arm around him, and he leaned against her as they quickly made their way through the halls towards the exit.

They finally made it to the car, and Y/N helped Barry get into the backseat. She opened the truck and pulled out a first aid kit. She got in the back beside him and opened it. She looked at him, and she noticed how hot he was. She closed her eyes and shook her thoughts from her head.

"So, um, where did they get you?"
"Oh, uh, in my calf."
"Okay, I'm gonna try my best to get you fixed up here, but if I can't, I'll have to finish when we get back to the family compound."
"Yeah, okay. That's fine. I really hope you have some painkillers in there."

Y/N gave Barry some painkillers and got him situated before carefully pulling his pant leg up to reveal his injury. She examined his leg and noticed that the bullet just grazed his leg. She treated his injury, and she carefully sat his leg back down and look over at him.

"You're seriously lucky. The bullets only grazed your leg."
"It still hurt like a bitch. So, are you a nurse or something like that?"
"No, my dad has been doing this for a long time, and after my mom left, I had to learn how to take care of him when he got hurt."
"Wow, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. It was just something I had to do, and now, he's training me to be a hitman like him."

She looked away from him, and Barry sensed that she was upset. He moved his inured led carefully and scooted a little closer to her.

"You're dad is a good man. He taught me everything I knew when we were in the marines."
"He's always talked about 'Berkman from the marines'. It's nice to finally put a face with name. A very handsome face might I add."

Y/N mentally facepalmed at her choice of words. Barry smiled at her comment, but he couldn't respond because the car door opened. Y/N's dad entered the car and sat his gun in the passenger seat. He turned around and looked at them with a look that neither of them could read.

"You don't have to worry about them anymore, Barry. I took care of them. Y/N, did you get him fixed up?"
"Yes, sir. The bullet just grazed him so he's gonna be fine."

Y/N's dad turned back around and turned the car on. Y/N sat back against the seat and looked over at Barry to see that he was already looking at her. She smiled shyly at him as her dad drove into the night.

Shortly after this night, Barry was recruited to Y/N's family as a hitman, and he realized that Y/N was the love of his life. They started dating, and Barry swore that he would be with her forever.

Two years later, with an expensive ring in his pocket, Barry gathered up the courage to ask for Y/N's dad's permission. He walked up to the Colonel's office door and knocked. He heard a voice say 'come in', and he walked into the office.

"Berkman, come on in and have a seat."

Barry shit the door behind him and made his way the the chairs in front of the Colonel's desk. He sat down, and he felt a sense of nervousness creep onto him.

"So, what can I do for you, Barry."
"Well, uh, sir, I would like to ask for your permission to marry Y/N."
"You want to marry Y/N?"
"Yes, sir. I love her so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She's My everything."

The Colonel stood up from his desk and around to where Barry was. He stared down at Barry, and Barry gulped as he looked up at him.

"Stand up, Barry."

Barry quickly stood up and positioned himself in front of the Colonel. The Colonel raised one arm up, and Barry closed his eyes right before the Colonel pulled him into a tight hug. He let out a sigh of relief and hugged the Colonel back. They pulled away, and Barry put his hands in his pockets.

"So, is that a yes?"
"Yes, you have my permission. Welcome to the family, Barry."

Of course Y/N said yes when Barry proposed. She loved him, and she wanted to be his forever.

They didn't want to wait too long to get married so a couple of months after their proposal, they had their wedding. It was everything they both dreamed it would be. Y/N wore a beautiful white wedding gown, and Barry teared up when he first saw her walking down the aisle towards him.

They vowed that they would love each other forever, and they both meant it. When the officiant said 'You may kiss the bride.', Barry didn't hesitate to kiss Y/N. He pulled her into his arms and passionately placed his lips against hers. They pulled away, and they placed their foreheads together and at each other as the crowd erupted with applause and cheers.

At this very moment, Barry was extremely happy that he went into the marines, though it caused him sever emotional damage. If he hadn't, then he would have never met the Colonel, and he wouldn't be married to his extremely beautiful daughter. Barry loved Y/N, and nothing would ever change that.  It was them two against the world, for now and forever.

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