I Think I'm In Love (Bill Hader)

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Y/N couldn't not deny the fact that she was in love with Bill. How could she not be with his amazing personality, perfect cheekbones, sharp jawline, and sparkling blue eyes. She fell for him the first time she met him, but little did Y/N know, Bill was struggling with the same thing.

Bill thought Y/N was absolutely gorgeous with her pretty y/e/c eyes, flowing y/h/c hair, and perfect smile. He wanted her so bad, but he was too afraid to tell her just like she was afraid to tell him.

Everyone else around the SNL office knew that Y/N and Bill like each other. Fred and Seth had tried to convince Bill to 'make a move' on her, but he refused. So, Fred and Seth did the only logical thing they could think of, write a sketch where Bill had to kiss Y/N.

They decided to write another rendition of 'The Californians' where Devin, Bill's character, confesses his love for Bridgett, Y/N's character. As soon as the table read was over, Bill cornered Fred and Seth.

"Why did you guys do that?"
"What are you talking about Bill? It's just a sketch."
"You guys know how I feel about her. Why would you do this?"

Bill looked at his friends with sadness in his eyes, then turned and walked away. Fred and Seth felt a little bad about what they did, but they still had hope that their plan would work.

Kristen watched as Y/N paced in the hallway mumbling to herself. Y/N was nervous about the sketch and fact that she had to kiss Bill. She wasn't opposed to the thought of kissing him, she just didn't want to ruin any chances she had with him.

"Y/N, Earth to Y/N! You're really freaking me out."
"Huh, what. I'm sorry Kristen. I'm just worried about having to kiss Bill. I'm scared that I'm gonna mess it up and things will awkward between us."
"Don't worry, you're gonna do great. I just know you will."
"I really like him, you know."
"Aw, sweetheart. I know you do."

Y/N sighed and hugged hugged Kristen. She pulled away, and they walked down the hall to get lunch. Bill came from around the corner after hearing them walk away. He couldn't believe that Y/N liked him back.

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It was finally Saturday, and Y/N and Bill were both nervous about 'The Californians' sketch. They had ran through the sketch a couple of times, but they haven't actually practiced the kiss.

Y/N was getting her costume situated when she heard a knock on her dressing room door. She walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Bill standing there in his Devin costume.

"Hey, Y/N. We're ready to do a run through of 'The Californians' sketch. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, I'm ready."
"Alright, let's go. Hey, also I wanted to talk to you about the kiss."
"Okay, sure. Go ahead."
"So, I'm thinking that we do a fake kiss, but make it look real. What do you think?"
"Uh y-yeah, that's uh cool with me."

Bill smiled to himself. His plan was falling into place. On the other hand, Y/N didn't know how to feel. She didn't want to make Bill feel uncomfortable, but she wanted to do a good performance.

They both got into their places and did the scene. The fake kiss was awkward and nerve wracking, but Y/N managed to get through it.

Now, it was show time. 'The Californians' sketch was set to be last sketch on the night. As usual, Bill started breaking character while doing Stefon, and he only had one mild anxiety attack which is better that usual.

'The Californians' sketch was up and everyone got into their places. The lights came on, and the first part started. Y/N wasn't in the first part of the sketch so she was watching from backstage, smiling at Bill.

The first part ended and the second on began. As soon as the lights came on, Fred started saying his lines.

"Thanks for helping me sort these jelly beans, Bridgett. It would have been super hard to do it by myself."
"It's no problem, Stuart. I know how much you like jelly beans."

Bill's character entered the sketch and started speaking to Fred and Y/N's characters.

"You know, I like jelly beans too."
"Devin, w-what are you doing here?"
"Well, I left Mulholland and got on the 405 South, then switched over to the 10. Then I got on San Vicente and drove here. Anyways, I'm here to see your sister, Bridgett. There's something important I have to tell her."

Bill walked over to Y/N and stood in front of her, saying his next lines.

"Look, Bridgett. I think I'm in love and it's with you. I've liked you since I met you, and I want you to be with me. I want people to look at you and say 'Yeah, that's Devin's girl.' And I think that you're the most beautiful woman in the world."

Y/N stood frozen in front of Bill, not remembering any of her lines or thinking about looking at the cue cards. Every word that came out of Bill's mouth wasn't scripted or on the cue cards. Before Y/N could form any words to say, Bill kissed her and it wasn't a fake kiss.

Bill put all his feelings for her into the kiss and as soon as Y/N started to kiss him back, he pulled away. They continued with the rest of the sketch, and when it was over, Bill rushed off the stage headed to the backstage area. Y/N noticed and followed after him.

"Bill, wait. Please."

Bill automatically stopped when he heard her voice call out to him. He slowly turned around and came face to face with Y/N.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."
"Why are you sorry?"
"I embarrassed you and myself on live tv. I took a chance telling you how I felt, and I thought you liked me too."
"I do like you, Bill. I've liked you since I met you at our auditions. How could I not fall for you, you're amazing."

Suddenly, Bill pulled Y/N to him and connected their lips together. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. Bill remembered where they were and he pulled away from her.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to kiss you as Bill and not some character."

Y/N chuckled and Bill hugged her tightly. When he let her go, there was a loud applause and they looked around to find their SNL cast mates and friends watching them.

Y/N blushed profusely and hid her face in Bill's chest. He wrapped his arms around her and smiled at his friends. He knew he'd have to thank Fred and Seth for their amazing sketch idea.

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