She's Amazing (Bill Hader)

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Y/N gripped Bill's hand that was resting on her knee as they drove to Y/N's high school reunion. She was nervous about seeing all the people she graduated with. Y/N didn't have many friends, and the people in her graduating class didn't really like her.

Bill looked over at her and saw how tense she was. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the side of her head pulling her away from her thoughts. She look at him and smiled.

"Are you okay, baby?"
"Yeah, I'm just nervous to see all these people again. They weren't the nicest people."
"Hey, you're best person I know and I love you."
"I love you too, Bill"

Soon, they arrived at Y/N's old high school, parked the car, and headed towards the gymnasium, hand in hand. Once they arrived at the doors, Y/N stopped, took a deep breathe, and looked over at Bill. He gave her a reassuring smile pulled the door open for her to walk in first.

Y/N walked in and immediately grabbed Bill's hand. She looked out at the sea of people and gulped. Bill squeezed her hand slightly and lead her through the crowd of people staring at them.

They walked over the make-shift bar and ordered their drinks. Two of Y/N's friends, Abbey and Willow, came over and introduced themselves to Bill. Y/N hugged both of her friends tightly and discussed the events that have happened in their lives. Bill stood there listening to their conversation with his arm wrapped protectively around Y/N's waist.

Y/N heard some snickering coming from behind her, and she looked over her should to find the people that were considered to be 'popular' laughing, whispering, and pointing towards her.

Memories from high school started to flood her mind. Y/N thought about how they would tease her about her looks and the fact that she was smart and passed her classes. Bill and her friends noticed that Y/N had zoned out, and they were concerned.

"Y/N, baby. Are you okay?"
"Huh, oh. I'm sorry. I'm okay. I think I'm gonna run to the restroom real quick."
"Okay, sweetheart."

Bill kissed Y/N, took her drink, and watched her as she walked towards the restroom. When she disappeared, he turned his attention back to her friends.

"So, Bill, how did you meet Y/N?"
"Oh, it's actually a great story-"

Bill was cut off by an eruption of loud laughter coming from behind him. He turned slightly to see a group of people looking towards him.

"Oh shit, he's looking at us. Do you think he heard us?"
"Who cares if he heard. It's a known fact. Y/N doesn't love him. She's only with him because he's rich and famous."
"Yeah, and she probably doesn't even like his kids. She just puts up with them so she can spend his money."

Something inside of Bill snapped when he heard these words. He excused himself from Y/N's friends and walked over to the group of people.

"You guys are total assholes."
"What do you mean, Mr. Rich and Famous."
"You know exactly what I mean. You're standing talking about a wonderful woman, saying all these hurtful things about her that aren't even true. She loves me and she loves my kids. There's not a doubt in my mind that tells me otherwise. She's amazing and if you guys weren't total dickheads, you'd see it too. You're just jealous because a girl you didn't like made something of herself and you're still stuck here in this town. I love Y/N and I had actually planned on proposing to her once we get back to LA. What you do you have to say now?"

The group just stared at Bill with wide eyed. They were speechless. Bill cleared his throat and turned around, seeing Y/N standing behind him. She stared at him with tears in her eyes.

"Bill, did you mean it?"
"Yes, I meant every word. I love you and I want to marry you one day."

Y/N smiled at Bill, and he walked towards her. He grabbed Y/N's hand and lead her outside of the gym. As soon as they were out of the gym, Bill pulled her into a deep kiss.

He pulled away and smiled at her. He knew that he was totally going to marry her one day.

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