Do You Need Some Help? (Dave)

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Warnings: Reader is Male

Y/N loved his friends, but he hated when they drug him with them to pick up girls. He was newish in town, and they immediately accepted him into their group. It wouldn't be so bad if he was interested in girls, but he's openly gay. They know this, but they insisted that he come with them.

Today, they chose to pick up girls at the ice rink, and Y/N was super bummed because he didn't know how to ice skate. He followed his friends inside, and they walked up to the skate rental counter. The leader of Y/N's friend group, Marco, ring the service bell, and man with long hair walked over to them.

"Hey, Dave."
"Hey, Marco, fellas. What can I do for you guys?"
"We need to get some skates."
"Sure thing. Just let me get everyone's shoe size."

Marco gave Dave the list of sizes, and Y/N watched him as he walked over to the shelves and grabbed their skates. He was convinced that Dave was the most handsome guy he's ever saw. Y/N quickly looked away as Dave walked back over to them with arms full of skates.

Dave began handing out the skates to all the guys. He stopped when he got to the last pair.

"Who else wears a S/S?"
"Um, I-I do."

Y/N stepped forward a bit and grabbed the skates that Dave held out for him. Dave smiled at him before propping his elbows on the counter.

"You must be new to Marco's group. I'm Dave."
"I'm Y/N."
"Great name."
"Oh, thanks."

Y/N laughed lightly before Marco grabbed his shoulders and lead him to the rink with the rest of their friends. As soon as the boys put their skates on, they quickly made their way to the ice. Y/N sat by himself, and he watched the rest of his so called friends skate around the rink and flirt with girls.

Dave could help but watch Y/N from afar. Something drawn Dave to him, and he couldn't explain it. He had never been attracted to a boy, and he felt very confused. He chuckled to himself as he watched Y/N look at the skates in his hands. A new wave of confidence rushes through Dave, and he walked over to Y/N.

Y/N sat the skates down and put his head in hands. He jolted his head up as he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw Dave standing beside him.

"Do you need some help?"
"'ve never ice skated before."
"Let me go get some skates, and I'll help you."
"Oh, you don't have to do that-"
"I know I don't have to, but it isn't fair for you to sit here and watch your friends having fun."

Before Y/N could argue back, Dave left to get him a pair of skates. Y/N managed to get his skates on by the time Dave returned. Dave got his on, and he stood up and smiled at Y/N.

"Now, we skate."

Y/N stood up and carefully followed Dave to the entrance of the rink. Dave stepped onto the ice and looked back at Y/N. Y/N looked down at the ice then up at Dave. He extended a hand out to Y/N, and he took it gently, trying his best to hide the blush that was creeping up his face.

"Carefully, step on the ice. Hold on to me for support."

Y/N carefully stepped out onto the ice with Dave's help. They began to move slowly, and Y/N tried his best to not freak out. Dave could sense how tense he was so he decided to break the tension.

"So, I've a got a question for you."
"G-Go ahead."
"Marco's group is known for getting girls. Why are you freaking out over ice skating instead of trying to get a girls attention?"
"Oh, well. Um, I-I'm not...uh...straight. I'm gay."
"Oh, okay. Well, you should probably think about a group change them. I don't think you fit in well with them."

Y/N chuckled as he began to loosen his grip on Dave, becoming a little more comfortable on the ice. An idea crossed Dave's mind, and he had to tell Y/N.

"I'm actually in a group. Have you heard of Rod the stuntman?"
"Yeah, I have actually."
"Well, I'm his mechanic. I work on his bike and moped when I'm not here."
"What I'm trying to get at is you should join our crew. I'm pretty sure Rod won't mind. Do you have any special skills that you can bring to the crew?"
"Well, I love photography and taking action shots are my favorite."
"I think you'd fit in well in the crew."
"You really think-"

Suddenly, Y/N slipped, and Dave caught him before he hit the ice. Dave pulled him back up, and they were practically chest to chest in the middle of the ice rink.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Nice reflexes."

They got a little closer, and Dave suddenly realized where they were. He cleared his throat and moved back a little bit. He looked down at Y/N and offered him a smile.

"What do you say we get off this ice and get slushees? My treat."
"Yeah, sure."

They quickly made their way off the ice and put their regular shoes back on. Dave bought them both a slushee, and they talked for what seemed like forever.

Y/N sipped his slushee as Dave told him the story about Rod jumping the buses. He smiled as he watched Dave's eyes fill with passion as he talked about his friends. Y/N didn't know what the expectations of the crew were, or if Dave was gay or at least bi. He did know that he had feelings for Dave that he didn't want to go away. He could sit there all day and listen to Dave talk about nonsense, and he intended to as long as Dave would let him.

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