Just Breathe, You're Okay (Bill Hader)

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Y/N and Bill had met at SNL. They had started working there around the same time and they had a wonderful friendship which turned into a loving relationship.

The pair had been together for years and no one knew about it. Bill and Y/N were private people and decided that they didn't want to gossip about their personal lives.

Everyone was backstage chatting and getting dressed quickly into their wardrobes for the upcoming skits after the comercial break.

The next skit was Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and Y/N looked around and noticed that Bill was nowhere in sight. He was going to be on Weekend Update as Stefon and he was going on soon, so Y/N decided she needed to find him.

Y/N walked back towards the dressing rooms and looked into his, and she noticed that he wasn't there. She turned around and walked back towards the stage. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was walking because her mind was racing about where Bill could be. Before Y/N realized it, she had ran into the one and only Fred Armisen.

"Woah, Y/N, watch where you're going."
"I'm so sorry Fred. I didn't even see you."
"Where are you headed to so fast anyways?"
"I'm looking for Bill. It's almost time for him to go out and I can't seem to find him."
"I saw him not to long ago sitting in a chair down the hall."
"Thanks Fred! You're lifesaver."

Y/N gave Fred a hug and walked away from him in the direct he told her Bill was. He turned around with a confused look on his face and he decided to follow her.

Y/N turned the corner, and she found Bill sitting in a chair, dressed as Stefon, hyperventilating. She ran towards him and knelt in front of him.

"Bill. Bill, are you okay?"

He looked up at her and tears stained his cheeks. Just as he was getting ready to speak, John Mulaney poked his head around the corner.

"Hey Bill! You're on in five."

John disappeared back around the corner and all the color in Bill's face faded. He started hyperventilating faster than before. He looked as if he was going to faint. He started shaking and gasping for breaths. Bill looked at Y/N then moved his gaze to the floor still trying to catch his breath.

"Bill, just breathe, you're okay. Hey, look me."

Bill looked up at her and she put her hands on the bottom of his face, rubbing her thumbs in circles in his cheeks. He moved his hands to grip hers.

"Breathe along with me babe. Come on deep breath in, slowly breath out. Do it again. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. You're okay, I've got you."

Bill started copying her breathing techniques and they were working. He slowly started to gain control over his breathing.

"Are you okay babe? You had me so worried. Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"Yeah, I think I'm okay now. No, I don't need to go to the hospital. I just got really nervous and anxious about going on stage."

Y/N pulled him towards her and wrapped her arms around his neck. Bill put his arms around her waist and held her tightly against him.

"You really scared me there for a minute."
"I'm sorry babe-"
"You have nothing to be sorry about. It's your anxiety that causes you to do that and it's perfectly fine."
"God, I love you Y/N."
"I love you too, Bill."

He leaned down and placed a loving kiss on her lips. Bill pulled away from the kiss and stared into her eyes.

"What would I do without you?"
"You would have probably been admitted into the hospital by now. Come on, it's almost time for you to go on."

He stood up from the chair and took her hand and walked down the hall to the stage. Bill sat down in the office chair and Y/N got into position to push him out. As Seth said 'Stefon's' introduction, Bill looked up at Y/N.

"Thank you so much for helping me."
"That's what I'm here for."

Y/N shot him a playful wink as she pushed him out beside Seth. She walked around towards the front of the stage so she could see better. As she leaned against the wall, Y/N felt someone stand beside her. She looked over and it was Fred.

"Are you and Bill together?"

Y/N froze as he asked this question.

"Why do you ask?"
"Well, I saw how you helped him calm down, and people who are just friends don't interact that way."
"Yes, Bill and I are together, but don't say anything to anyone about it okay?"
"Okay, I promise I won't say anything."
"Thank you."
"So, how long have y'all been together? A couple of weeks, months?"
"We've been together for almost three years."

Fred went silent causing Y/N to look over at him and the shocked expression on his face was priceless.

"How did I not know this till just now?"
"Well, what can I say? We like to keep our private life private, I guess."
"You guys are excellent secret keepers."

Y/N laughed lightly and moved her gaze from Fred to Bill on stage. Yes, their relationship may be a secret, but it's one of the best secrets she's ever had.

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