Happy Birthday, Y/N (Richie Toizer)

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(Part 24 of Is The Baby Mine?)

Warnings: Smut, Language

Y/N was sleeping peacefully in her and Richie's warm bed till she was rudely awaken by someone jumping on the bed. She groaned and opened her eyes, and Richie fell down on to the bed beside her and placed kisses on her face.

"Come on, Y/N. Get up! It's your birthday!"
"That's why you should let me sleep in, you man child. You're literally forty-four, and you still jump on the bed like you're still in your twenty's. Hell, I'm twenty-seven as of today, and I don't have the energy for that. Sometimes, I question who's actually older, me or you."
"But you love me, and you wouldn't have me any other way."
"You're exactly right. Now, give me birthday kiss."
"Yes ma'am."

Richie climbed on top of her, and he connected their lips. Y/N put her arms around his neck and pulled him down so that he was laying on top of her. He slid his tongue across her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth, letting him slide his tongue in. Before they could get any further, whine from the baby monitor began to fill the room. They pulled away, and Richie hung his head and smiled.

"Damn, cockblocked by my own son. I'll be back."

He leaned down and pecked Y/N's lips before leaving their room. Y/N sat up in their bed and waited for Richie come back.

Richie returned shortly with Finn in one arm and presents in the other. He handed Finn to Y/N, and Finn smiled at her as she kissed his chubby cheeks. She looked up at Richie and saw that he had a huge smile on his face. She smiled back at his as she got Finn settled on her lap.

"Rich, you really didn't have to go through the trouble of getting me something. I have all I could ever ask for."
"I know, but, baby, you deserve the world. It's your birthday. Let me spoil you a bit."

She rolled her eyes playfully at Richie as he handed her a gift bag with white tissue poking out of the top. She removed the tissue with Finn's help, and she pulled out a picture frame. On the top of frame, 'Mommy' was written in big white letters, and on the bottom of the frame, 'Happy birthday, beautiful. We love you so much. Love, Richie and Finn' was written in medium sized black letters. The picture in the frame was of all three of them that Y/N's mom had taken two weeks ago at Y/N's dad's birthday party. She smiled and hugged Finn closer to her as she looked at the picture.

"I love this picture so much, babe. Thank you."
"Wait, you're not done. There's still one more."

Richie handed her a small gift bag as he sat down on the bed in front of her. She reached into the bag and pulled out a small box. She opened it and inside was a beautiful heart necklace that had all their names and birthstones on it. She look up at Richie as a huge smile came to her face.

"Richie, this necklace is absolutely beautiful. I love it."
"Happy Birthday, Y/N."

He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She wrapped her free arm around his neck and held him there before pulling away. She readjusted Finn in her lap and looked at Richie lovingly. He looked back at her and smiled.

"So, baby, what do you want to do today?"
"Shopping at the mall with both of my boys sounds like a perfect day to me."
"Alright! Let's get ready and go."

They got up, and Richie dressed Finn while Y/N got ready. After Y/N was finished, she fed Finn a mashed banana while Richie got ready. Y/N and Richie ate a quick breakfast before they buckled Finn into the car and left for the mall.

After hours of shopping and eating at Y/F/R, they finally arrived home. Y/N immediately took Finn upstairs and gave him a bath. Once his bath was finished, Y/N took him into his room and smiled when she saw that Richie had already laid his pajamas out. They dressed him, and Y/N rocked him to sleep.

Once Finn was asleep, Y/N carefully laid him in his crib, and Richie wrapped his arm around her as they walked out of Finn's room. Richie stopped walking before he entered their room, and Y/N turned and looked at him.

"Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you."

Y/N listened to him and closed her eyes. He lead her into their bedroom and stopped when he reached their bathroom.  He told her to open her eyes, and she gasped as she saw the way Richie decorated their bathroom. He had a couple of lit candles on the counter, rose petals on the tile floor that lead to the tub, and a nice, hot bubble bath waiting for them. She turned around and pulled Richie into a kiss. She pulled away and pulled her shirt off before looking at him.

"You're joining me right?"
"Hell yes, I'm joining you."

Richie and Y/N quickly discarded their clothes, and Richie stepped into the tub first. Once he got settled, he offered Y/N a hand and helped her into the tub. She sat down with her back pressed against his chest. She leaned back against him and rested her on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her head.

About ten minutes into their relaxing moment together, Y/N felt Richie's member twitch against her back. An evil smirk came to her face as she moved against him. He let out a little moan and gripped her hips.

"What're you doing there, baby?"
"Nothing, Rich. Just enjoying your company."

She moved against him again, enjoying the fact that she's teasing him. She moved one more time before Richie moved his hand and began circling her clit. Y/N moaned and threw her head back against his shoulder. After a couple of seconds, he pulled his hand away, and Y/N let out a whine.

"It's not fun when you're the one being teased, is it?"
"Come on, Richie. It's my birthday, please."
"Oh, you know I can't tell you no."

Richie went back to circling her clit, and she moaned as she gripped the sides of the of the tub. He kissed a crossed her shoulder and up her neck, and she moaned a little louder as he sped his movements up.

"F-Fuck Richie, I'm close."
"Come for me, baby."

Richie whispered in her ear, and Y/N came as soon as the words left his mouth. She had her head leaned back against his shoulder, and he kissed her exposed neck as she came down from her high.

As soon as she caught her breath, Y/N quickly maneuvered herself into Richie's lap, and she faced him. She connected their lips in a heated kiss as she reached down to stroke Richie. He gasped his her mouth and pulled away slightly.

"Are you sure you wanna do it here? It'll probably make a huge mess-"
"I don't care if it leaves a mess. I need you now, Rich."

Richie smiled at her before leaning up to capture her lips in a kiss. Y/N positioned his member at her entrance and slid down onto him causing both of them to moan. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tried her best to rock her hips against his. After a few minutes of torture, Richie took matters into his own hands and began thrusting up into her at a fast pace.

"Shit, Richie. Oh my God, fuck. Keep going, don't stop."
"I didn't plan on stopping, beautiful."

She kissed him again as her walls clenched around him causing his hips to stutter. He quicken his already fast pace, and Y/N felt that familiar warmth grown in her stomach. When Richie circled her clit again, she came suddenly with out any warning. He thrusted into her a couple more times before finishing in her. He kissed her, and she rested her forehead against his shoulder.

They sat there for a couple of minutes before Y/N pulled herself off of Richie and out of the tub. Richie stood up and unplugged the drain as he got out. He grabbed two towels and wrapped one around Y/N then himself. She walked closer to him, and she pulled him into a hug and rested her head on his chest.

"I'm so lucky to be your wife."

Y/N pulled back and looked into Richie's eyes. A smile came to her face as she spoke again.

"I said that I'm so lucky to be your wife. Thank you for a wonderful birthday, Richie. This was probably one of the best birthdays I've had."
"Well, I'm glad that I could make it better. Come on, let's go to bed."

They threw their towels into the basket, and they climbed into the bed. They immediately wrapped their arms around each other, and Y/N snuggled her face into Richie's neck.

Y/N loved Richie and Finn so much, and she wouldn't have wanted to spend her birthday with anyone else except for her boys. They made her day so special, and she wouldn't trade them for anything.

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