I'm Your New Partner (Agent Haggard)

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Haggard was so nervous to meet this new partner. O'Reilly has been reassigned to a different department, so a new partner had been assigned to him. All he knew was that her name was Y/N Y/L/N, and she was fairly new.

He was leaning on the car waiting for Y/N. Haggard had no idea what she looked like so he was hoping that she knew who he was. Once he saw a woman approach him, he straightened himself. When she got close to him, he froze. She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Agent Y/N Y/N/L. I'm you're new partner."

Y/N stuck her hand out for him to shake, but he was still frozen admiring her beauty. He snapped out of his thoughts when she shook his shoulders.

"O-oh I'm sorry. I'm Agent Haggard."
"It's nice time meet you. Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah, I'm okay, and it's nice to meet you too. Well, let's get going."

They both got into the car, and Haggard was refusing the urge to shake. He was so nervous to be around her because she was so beautiful. He knew he didn't have a shot because a pretty girl like her wouldn't fall for a loser like him.

As it turns out, Haggard learned that Y/N was super nice and absolutely hilarious. She was cracking joke after joke leaving him a laughing mess. He thought she was pretty before, but now he was falling for her, HARD.

Y/N noticed that he kept taking glances at her and blushing whenever she talked to him. She thought he was super cute and that maybe there was a chance that he liked her too. She was pulled from her thoughts when the CB radio in the car went off.

They had been reassigned to help Agent Zoil, but they weren't given specific details. And now, they were sitting on the side of the road waiting for cars to come so they could investigate them.

Haggard and Y/N were both bored because there were hardly any cars out this late. She was almost sleep when Haggard started talking.

"I'm so bored. Ugh, this sucks."
"Me too. I wish there was something for us to do."

Haggard started to brainstorm ideas for things that they could do. Coming up with nothing, he decided to just tell her about his life.

"Wow, that's interesting Hag."
"Your turn."
"I told you about me, and now it's your turn to tell me about you."

Y/N sighed and looked at the ground. She didn't really like to talk about her life before she joined the agency, but she gave in and started tell him about her life.

"Well, I'm from Y/H/S and when I graduated high school, I left and never looked back. People I went to school with were always telling me that I was ugly and-"
"You're not ugly."
"I said you're ugly. You're from it."

Y/N looked up at Haggard and saw that he was telling the truth. She stepped a little closer to him, and sucked in a deep breath.

"R-really? You don't think I'm ugly?"
"No, I think you're drop dead gorgeous. Those people you went to high school with are just assholes."

Y/N looked at the ground again, and Haggard stepped towards her, placing a hand on her cheek. He suddenly pulled her towards him and kiss her sweetly. The kiss was starting to get hot when Haggard saw headlights getting close to them.

He pulled away and looked into her eyes. He had just found her and fell for her, and now, he wasn't letting her go.

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