Green With Jealous Rage (Dave)

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To say the least, Dave was usually an easy going guy. He didn't really let things bother him, but right now he was green with jealous rage.

Y/N was new in town and she lived next door to Rod. He invited her to meet the crew, and once Dave saw her, he fell hard for her. The crew automatically accepted her into the group.

The crew was getting burgers and shakes, and Dave was finally alone with Y/N. This was his chance to tell her how he felt.

"Hey, Y/N. Can I tell you something."
"Sure, Dave. You can tell me anything."

Dave looked deeply into Y/N's eyes and she looked back at him, ready for him to speak.

"W-well, I-I just wanted to tell you-"
"Alright, crew. Let's start planning the next stunt."

Dave was interrupted by Rod, Kevin, Denise, and Rico squeezing into the picnic table with him and Y/N. This irritated Dave just a little, but he let it slide.

"So, let's go back to my place and start brainstorming."

Everyone agreed, and they all got up and threw their trash away. Y/N was walking towards Rico's van to get in when Rod stepped in front of her.

"Hey, Y/N. I heard that you've never rode on a moped. You wanna ride with me on mine?"
"Really, Rod? You want me to ride with you? I thought that Denise was riding with you."
"Oh, Denise and I aren't dating. She has a stupid boyfriend."
"Oh okay. Um s-sure. I'd love to ride."

Dave watched as Y/N wrapped her arms around Rod's torso with anger flowing through body. He was jealous of Rod because he wanted Y/N. Was she dating Rod? No, but Dave wanted to have close and intimate interactions with Y/N.

"Woah, Dave. Man, are you alright?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because you're face is like red as a tomato."
"Yeah, I'm fine."

Dave turned his head and looked out the window as Rico drove to Rod's house. When they arrived at Rod's house, they exited the van to find Y/N and Rod kissing.

Dave couldn't take it anymore. He abruptly turned around and started walking down the drive way to the road.

"Hey, Dave. Where are you going?"

Dave kept walking down the street as the rest of the crew were yelling at him. When he felt someone tap his shoulder, he turned around and was met with the whole crew standing there. Rod stepped a little closer to him.

"What's your deal, Dave?"
"You're my deal, Rod."
"Why? What did I do?"
"I'm jealous of close you are to Y/N. I want to be close to her, but no. You always swoop in and steal the girls before they can see what us other guys are like. I know that you aren't dating Y/N and that I have no right to be jealous because she's not mine to be jealous over, but I want her to be mine. I want to be able to hug and kiss her and care for her, but I guess that we all can't have what we want."

Dave sighed as he look at the shocked expressions in his friends' faces. His eyes lingered on Y/N, staring into her eyes unable to read them. He turned around and starting walking again, but this time no one followed him.

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Later that day, Dave was laying on his couch with tears in his eyes. Thoughts from earlier today flooded his mind. The way Y/N looked at him, hurt him the most. The sadness in her eyes and the hurt look on her face. He couldn't believe that he caused that.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. Dave sighed and pulled himself off the couch to answer the door. He pulled the door open and was surprised to see Y/N standing there.

They stood there staring at each other, not knowing what to say. Dave saw tears brimming in her eyes, and he felt his own eyes welling up. Without thinking, Dave slid his hands to her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss. To his surprise, she kissed him back.

Dave pulled away staring at Y/N again. Looking into her eyes, he realized that this was the start of something new.

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