This Is My Wife, Y/N (Bill Hader)

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Y/N was a little nervous to meet Bill's friends and their partners for the first time. She had already met John once, but still, her nerves were on edge. She and Bill had eloped and got married, but none of his friends knew.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed in their room, waiting for Bill to finish getting ready. She was wearing a dark blue dress that stopped just under her knees. Bill walked in their room from the en-suite bathroom, and Y/N stood up to meet him. He walked closer to her and placed his hands on her hips.

"You look hot, babe."
"Why, thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Y/N fixed his tie, and he stole a kiss from her as soon as she finished. She smiled at him and moved quickly before he could kiss her again.

"Hey, why'd you move?"
"If we don't leave now, we'll be late."

Bill quickly kissed her again before running out of their room ahead of her. Y/N laughed and shook her head at her crazy, childlike husband. She followed him, and they went outside and got into the car. The drive to the restaurant was nice, and halfway through the drive, Y/N sighed.

"What's a matter, sweetheart?"
"Nothing. I was just wondering if you were gonna tell your friends our news."
"Well, I had planned on telling them. Do you not want me to?"
"Of course not. I want you to tell your friends. I'm sure they'll be happy for us."

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant, and Y/N let out a deep breath as Bill parked the car. He turned the car off, and her turned to look at her. He could see that her nerves were attacking her so he grabbed her hands causing her to look at him.

"Don't worry, they're gonna love you. Take a deep breath. You have no reason to be nervous. They'll love you because I love you."
"Okay, let's go."

They exited the car, and Y/N immediately grabbed Bill's hand as soon as they began walking to the restaurant. They entered in and Bill told the hostess the reservation name. She quickly lead them to a table filled with Bill's friends. Everyone smiled and said 'hey' in unison as Y/N and Bill made it to the table. They sat down, and Bill introduced everyone to her.

"Alright, first things first, Y/N, you've met John, and this is his wife, Anna. This is Fred and his partner, Natasha. This is Seth and his wife, Alexi. Finally, this is Kristen and her fiancé, Avi. Everyone, this is my wife, Y/N."

All of Bill's friends stared at him with blank expressions in their faces. Fred cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses before speaking.

"I'm sorry, wife? I don't remember going to a wedding."
"We didn't have a wedding. We eloped, but I promised her that if she wanted to have a wedding ceremony, then we'd have one and invite everyone we know."

Bill wrapped his arm Y/N and pulled her closer to him. He placed a kiss on the side of her head causing Y/N to smile. Before anyone else could ask more questions, the waiter came over to the table and took their orders.

Once the waiter had taken everyone's order and walked away, Kristen turned towards Y/N and smiled.

"So, Y/N, how did your parents react to the news?"
"They were shocked, and my mom was a little upset that we didn't have a wedding."
"I bet she was. So, are you two planning on have a ceremony to celebrate with everyone?"
"We talked about it, and yes, we are planning on having one, but we're waiting a couple of months."

Everyone, besides Bill and Y/N, wore confused looks on their faces after Y/N spoke. They all looked at each other as Seth spoke up.

"Why are you waiting a couple of months?"

Bill looked at Y/N with pleading eyes, and she nodded her head. Bill situated himself in his chair, and he smiled widely ay his friends.

"We're also expecting. Y/N is pregnant!"

Strings of 'congratulations' were heard from everyone. Bill pulled Y/N close to him again, and they shared a smile. Anna cleared her throat quietly, gaining everyone's attention.

"Did you guys find out before or after you eloped?"
"We found out after, but that's not the reason we eloped. We've been married for almost a month, and we found out two days ago that we're expecting."

John wrapped his arm around Anna and pulled her slightly closer to him. He pick up his glass and lifted it up.

"A toast, to Bill and Y/N. Congratulations on getting married and expecting a baby. I know we all wish you two a lifetime of happiness and we love you two. To Bill and Y/N."

Everyone clinked their glasses together and toasted to Bill and Y/N. They all drank their drinks, and Bill leaned down and kissed Y/N. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

She had never been happier that she was right now. She had an amazing husband who had amazing friends who accepted her. Y/N really loved Bill and his crazy, yet wonderful friends.

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