Hey, Are You Okay (Barry Berkman)

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(The scene starts at 0:42)

Y/N loved being in the acting class. She loved being on stage and letting her emotions flow. She also loved the people in the class, and Gene was a great teacher, but she had developed a crush on Barry.

He would smile at her and compliment her acting. It took everything in her body to not blush at his words.

Gene had gotten the class to quiet down as he looked over the clipboard in his hands.

"Alright, class. I have paired you guys up and picked out scenes for you to do for the showcase at the end of the week."

The class quieted down and listened as Gene gave out the scene assignments. Y/N was nervous, but excited to see who see got paired with.

"Lastly, Y/N and Barry. You two will do the big kiss scene from 'The Last Song'."

Y/N's eyes went wide as soon as Gene said kiss. She had to kiss Barry in front of an audience. Barry shot her a smile, and her face went red as she began to nervously pick at her fingers. Barry walked over to her and sat beside her.

"This should be fun."

It was the day of their performance, and Y/N's heart was racing. She was super nervous about kissing Barry. The thought of having to kiss him didn't help her crush in him. They had practiced the scene, but they hadn't practiced the kiss. Barry said that they would just wing it.

Natasha tapped Y/N on the shoulder and told her that she and Barry were up next. The lights went down, and she stood off to the right of the stage as Barry got himself in place. The lights came on, and Y/N walked on stage towards Barry in character.

"You need to leave, Will. You're freaking out my little brother."

Barry stood up from his chair.

"Not till you tell me what happened."

He walked closer to Y/N.

"Was it Ashely? I saw you talking to her. What did she say?"

Y/N turned and began to walk away, and Barry followed her.

"Just leave alright, Will."
"Just tell me what she said to you-"

Y/N turned back to face Barry.

"Will, I did not come here for some stupid summer romance with some stupid local boy that had done this with a thousand other girls."
"Ashely told me about all the girls you've been with. So, I don't want to be just the next girl in your parade of girls, Will. Going on the same dates, doing the same things. I think that's why it would just be better if we just end it."

Y/N turned and began to walk away again. Barry stood still and spoke.

"End it? End what?"

Y/N stopped, but kept her back towards Barry.

"Ronnie, yes. Okay, I went out with other girls before I met you, but that's the point. It was before I met you. How can you be mad about that?"

Y/N turned and walked towards Barry.

"Will, don't you dare make this about me. You and I both know this is it my fault. It's-"

Barry cut her off with a kiss. He placed his hands on the sides of her face and continued kiss her. After about twenty seconds, he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. He looked into her eyes as he spoke his last line.

"You're not like like other girls."

Barry leaned down to kiss Y/N again like it was written in the scene, but before he could, she ran off stage.

Y/N ran outside the building and rested her back against the wall. She placed her hands over her face as tears began to slip from her eyes. She heard the dirt beside her open, but she didn't look up till she felt someone remove her hands from her face.  She saw Barry standing in front of her, and she felt her heart rate quicken.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I do or say something wrong?"
"N-no, Barry. I didn't run off because of you. Well, I did, but it wasn't because you did anything wrong. I...never mind."
"You can tell me, Y/N. What happened?"

Y/N took a deep breath and looked into Barry's eyes. She saw that he was already looking at her, ready to hear what she had to say.

"I-I have a crush on you, and I got super nervous about the kiss."
"You have a crush on me?"
"Yeah, I totally understand if you don't feel the same way-"
"I have a crush on you too."

A confused look came to Y/N's face as she heard Barry's words.

"Wait, really? You have a crush on me? Why?"
"Well, you're beautiful, an amazing actress, and damn good kisser."

Y/N laughed quietly as Barry moved himself closer to her. He placed his hands on her hips, and she smiled at him.

"How would know? You've only kissed me once."
"Well, let me test my theory again."

Barry leaned down and placed his lips against Y/N's. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. He pulled away and smiled at her.

"My theory is correct. You are a damn good kisser."

Y/N smiled widely at Barry. He placed a quick peck against her lips, and he grabbed her hand and lead her to entrance of the building.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting to tell you how good you were."

Y/N and Barry walked back inside, hand in hand. Y/N never thought in a million years that Barry would like her back. She was so happy that he did. She didn't plan on losing him either.

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