Screw Him, You're Amazing (Willy)

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Warnings: Language, Mentions of Transphobia, Reader is FTM

Y/G/N = Your Girl Name

Y/N's dad was not supportive of his true identity. Some days, his dad would ignore him or start arguments with him. Today just happened to be one of those days.

He came downstairs to eat dinner, and his dad scoffed and rolled his eyes as soon he saw him. Y/N grabbed himself a drink out of the fridge and sat down at the kitchen table. His mom sat their dinner down in the table, and she kissed Y/N's cheek.

Y/N's mom was very supportive. She helped him cut his hair and bought his clothes that made him feel comfortable. His dad hated how supportive his wife was. They would get into arguments about him.

They were eating in silence, and Y/N and his mom jumped when his dad slammed his drink down on the table.

"Y/G/N, get upstairs and take off those boy clothes. You're not a boy. You're a girl. Go now."
"My name isn't Y/G/N anymore. It's Y/N. I'm not a girl. I'm a boy, and you're just gonna have to deal with it because that's who I am."
"Get out of my house! Now, leave!"

Y/N stood up from his chair and ran upstairs. He packed a duffel bag and backpack full of his stuff. He came back downstairs, and he hugged his mom before he walked to the front door. He opened the door, and he turned back around and looked at his dad.

"You might hate me for being who I am, but I'll always love you, dad."

With that he turned and walked out of the house. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he began walking down the street. It was dark, and he didn't know where he was going. He pulled out his phone and called the only person he could think of.

Willy was asleep in his chaise lounge chair in the pool house of the public pool when his phone began to ring. He groaned as he got up and answered it.

"Hey, Willy. I need your help. My dad kicked me out, and I don't have anywhere to go. Can I come hang out with you? If not, I totally understand."
"Yeah, of course."
"Thank you so much. I'll see you in a bit."
"Okay, see ya."

The phone call ended, and Willy began to clean things around the pool house. Willy didn't want to say it out loud, but he loved Y/N. He knew everything about Y/N's and he supported him through everything.

He heard the gate to the pool open, and he stepped out of the pool house. Y/N walked over to him, and he dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around Willy, tears soaking his shirt. Willy held Y/N in his arms as he cried. Y/N pulled back and gave Willy a sad smile.

"Thanks for letting me hang out."
"It's no problem. I like having you around."

Y/N smiled at his comment, and Willy's heart began to race. He let out a fake cough, and he smiled back at Y/N when an idea crossed his mind.

"I know your upset about your dad and everything, and I have some weed. So, how about we get high and talk about our problems?"
"I'm down to get high."

Willy smiled and grabbed Y/N's bags, carrying them into the pool house. They say down on his lounge chair, and Willy pulled a joint. He lit it and took a hit, then he passed it to Y/N. He took a big hit of the joint and passed it back to Willy as he blew the smoke out slowly. Willy took another hit then he looked at Y/N.

"So, what did your dad say to you."
"We were eating dinner, and out of the blue, he told that I needed to go upstairs and change because I'm a girl and not a boy. I wish he would just accept me."

Y/N took another hit of the joint as tears feel from his eyes. Willy hated seeing Y/N like this. He just wanted to grab his face and kiss all his tears away.

"Screw him, you're amazing. I wouldn't change anything about you. You're perfect just the way you are."
"Thanks Willy. You and my mom are like the only two people in this stupid town that understand me."

They continues to pass the joint back and forth. After they finished the joint, Willy had a new surge of courage rush over him. He looked at Y/N, and when he finally looked at him, Willy grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. Before Y/N could kiss him back, Willy pulled away and stood up. He walked over to the windowless window and leaned on the window seal. Y/N had a confused look on his face as he stood up and leaned beside Willy.

"You kissed me."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You just didn't give me the chance to kiss you back."

Willy stopped leaning, and he looked at Y/N with a confused look on his face. Y/N stood up and faced Willy.

"What? You wanted to kiss me back?"
"Yeah. I've had a crush on you for a while. I just thought you saw me as a friend who's dad hates him."
"I'm in love with you, Y/N, and I have been for a while."
"Wait, you love me?"
"Yeah, I do."
"I love you too, Willy."

They got closer to each other, and their lips connected in a passionate kiss. Willy wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, pulling him closer to him. Y/N snaked his arms around Willy's neck, and he ran his fingers through Willy's messy hair. When air became necessary, they pulled away and stared at each other. A smile came to Willy's face, and Y/N smiled back. They giggled at each other as the weed began to effect them.

They sat back down on Willy's lounge chair and he wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist. He laid his head on Willy's shoulder, and Willy smiled to himself. He knew that Y/N's dad was a difficult person, but no matter what, he would always love Y/N. Willy knew that Y/N made him feel complete.

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