I'm Not Breaking Up With You (Dave)

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Dave and Y/N have been together for two and a half years, and Dave knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He wanted the whole thing to be special so, he went out and bought the perfect ring, and Denise was the only person that knew about it.

He planned out the whole thing, and he knew that this night was going to be special. Friday nights were their designated date nights, so he decided to do it then. He loved Y/N, and she deserved to have a special proposal.

As Dave was getting ready, his nerves began to eat him alive. Questions started to flood his mind. What if Y/N says no? What if she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life with him? He tried his best to shake his thoughts from his head as he continued getting ready.

He arrived at Y/N's house and knocked on the door. Y/N opened the door, and Dave half smiled upon seeing her.

"Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, just let me grab my purse."

Y/N noticed that something was odd about Dave. He seemed a little distant. He lead her to his car, helping her get in. As they drove, Y/N looked over at Dave and noticed that he looked tense, but she tried her best not to focus on it.

Soon, they arrived at a fancy-ish restaurant, and Dave helped her out of the car. When they walked into the restaurant, Y/N began to worry that something go was wrong because Dave didn't grab her hand or place his arm around her.

They were lead to their table, and Dave pulled her chair out for her. She gave him a small smile and at down. He sat down in his chair, and they gave the waiter their order.

Dave's nerves began to attack him again, and he tried to brush them off. He knew this was the right thing to do. He loved Y/N more than he's loved anyone else.

Y/N watched Dave as he stared down at the table obviously think about something.
She tried to think of something they could talk about to turn Dave's attention to her instead of the thoughts plaguing him.

"So, is Rod's bike ready for his stunt tomorrow?"

Dave heard someone speak, and he looked up, remembering that Y/N was there with him. He blinked his eyes, realizing that he didn't hear what she said to him because he was so lost in his thoughts and nerves.

"Huh, what? I'm sorry. I didn't catch what you said."
"I said 'Is Rod's bike ready for his stunt tomorrow?'"
"O-Oh yeah, the bike is ready."
"Are you okay? You seem a little off."

Before Dave could answer her, the waiter brought their food, and they ate in complete silence. Different thoughts ran through both of their heads. Dave was nervous about asking Y/N to marry him, and Y/N was worried that Dave was going to break up with her.

They finished their food, and Dave ordered dessert for both of them. The waiter left the table, and Dave decided that he was going to propose now. It's now or never. Dave cleared his throat, gaining Y/N's attention.

"Y/N, there's something I've been meaning to talk to about, and that's why I've been acting off tonight. I-I want to tell you that I-"

Before Dave could finish his sentence, Y/N suddenly broke down into tears. Dave stood up and walked over to her side and bent down. He placed his hands on her thighs causing her to look at him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Y-You're breaking up with me."
"What, no. I'm not breaking up with you. In fact, I'm asking you to marry me."

Y/N looked at Dave with shocked, wife eyes as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little box. He opened the box, revealing the ring, and a smile began forming on Y/N's lips.

"Yeah. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I wan to have kids with you and grow old with you. I love you so much, Y/N. Will you marry me?"
"Yes, of course. I'll marry you."

Dave smiled widely as he slid the ring onto Y/N's finger. He stood back up and pulled her up with him. He leaned in and captured her lips in a loving kiss. He pulled away and notice that there were still tears in Y/N's eyes.

"Why are you still cry?"
"These are happy tears, I promise. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and it's because of you."

It was true. Dave truly made Y/N happier than she's ever been. She loved Dave, and she was excited that now they get to spend the rest of their lives together. She couldn't imagine anyone else better that Dave to be her husband. He was perfect.

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