You Sound Amazing (Clark Honus)

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Being Gene's younger sister mean that Y/N would spend a lot of time hanging out with the Blue Jean Committee. She loved being in the studio with them, listening as they wrote and played new songs.

She was sitting in a chair inside the recording booth, nodding her head, as she listened to them play. She couldn't take her eyes off of Clark. She knew that he was her brother's best friend, but she really liked him.

Clark thought that Y/N was pretty, but he wouldn't ever make a move because she was his best friend's sister. He wasn't afraid of Gene or anything like that. There were a list of rules among friends that you didn't break, and one of those rules were that you never go after your best friend's siblings.

Y/N knew about Gene and Clark's rules, and she thought that they were stupid. She couldn't be with him because her brother said so, and that made her a little upset. She never voiced how she felt because she loved Gene, and she didn't want to upset him.

The band finished their song, and their album producer knocked on the window and motioned for them to come talk. They got up and walked out of the recording booth, and they followed the producer, leaving Y/N alone.

She rolled her eyes and stood up, grabbing Gene's guitar. She sat back down and strummed a couple of cords. She began playing 'Gentle and Soft', and she sang along to the beat.

Gene, Clark, and the other guys walked back to the recording booth, and they stopped as they heard someone singing. They hurried into the room, and they looked through the giant glass window and saw Y/N playing and singing. A shocked expression came to their faces as the watched and listening to her. Gene looked over at Clark and saw that his shocked expression changed to a wide smile.

"What are you smiling about?"
"I think I'm in love with your sister. No, I'm definitely in love with her."
"Dude, that's my sister. What about our rules?"
"Screw the rules"

Y/N finished the song with a final strum to Gene's guitar, and she smiled to herself. She heard clapping, and she looked up and saw the boys clapping and cheering. Her eyes went wide, and she began to blush as they quickly made their way into the recording booth. Y/N sat Gene's guitar down and wrapped her arms around herself as Clark and Gene approached her. Gene inspected his guitar as Clark stood in front of her.

"Y/N, you sound amazing. How come you never told anyone you could sing?"
"No one ever asked me, and I'm not that good. You guys sound way better than me."

Clark stepped closer to her and placed his hands on her cheeks, pulling her face up so he could look into her eyes. He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"You sound way better than us. I know Gene is standing right there, but I really want to kiss you."
"What about the rules you two made?"
"At this moment, I really don't care about those stupid rules."
"Well, what are you waiting for?"

Clark leaned down and captured Y/N's lips in a gentle kiss. He pulled away, but before he could get to far, Y/N pulled him into another kiss. She wrapped her arms around him neck, pulling herself closer to him, and he let his arms arrest around her waist. They pulled away when they heard Gene make a disgusted noise. They both looked at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Even with those rules, I knew you two would eventually get together, and before you ask, no, I'm not mad. I'm happy for you two because I love you both, but, Clark, if you hurt her, I won't hesitate to kill you."
"I have no intentions of hurting her of ever letting her go."

Y/N pulled Clark into a tight hug, and she rested her head on his chest. He laid his head on top of her's and let his hands rest on her lower back. They had to pull away eventually because the band had to do some more songs, but Clark refused to leave Y/N's side. She sat beside him, and he even showed her how to play a couple cords on his bass.

Y/N was happy that Clark was finally her's. She had need crazy about him since she met him, and now, they were together. She was also happy because Gene approved of them being together. Her heart contained so much love for Clark and her brother, but was it too soon for her to be in love with Clark? Who knows, but she did know that she had strong feeling for him that made her heart flutter. Yeah, she totally loved Clark, and she couldn't deny it.

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