How Can I Help? (Bill Hader)

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Warnings: Reader is FTM

Y/N was trans, and he was happy. He loved his life, and he loved his boyfriend, Bill. The only thing he didn't love was his body. 

He was saving money for his top surgery, but that didn't bother him. What bothered him the most was that he still had to deal with his period. He hated it.

It was always the worst week of his life, and he avoided Bill on the week he had his period. Y/N felt embarrassed by it. Bill knew he was FTM, and he was supportive of him.

Y/N was laying on his couch when heard a knock on his door. He got up and answered it, and he was shocked to see Bill standing there.

"B-Bill, what are you doing here?"
"You said that you weren't feeling good, I decided that I would be a good boyfriend and come take care of you."

Y/N opened the door wider, and Bill came in, stopping to give Y/N a quick peck on the cheek. He smiled and shut the door as the touched the spot that Bill kissed.

"Well, I'm not sick per se."
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I'm on my period."

Y/N mumbled out his words, but Bill heard every single word. He walked towards Y/N, and he hugged him softly. Bill pulled back and rest his hands on Y/N's face. He leaned down and captured his lips in another kiss.

"It's okay, baby. There's nothing for you to be embarrassed. How can I help?"
"Well, some soup and a cuddle buddy would be nice."
"Why don't you go lay down in the couch, and I'll bring you a bowl of soup when it's ready."

Y/N walked towards the living room, and he made hisself comfortable on the couch. A couple of minutes later, Bill walked into the living room with two bowls in his hands. As they ate, they laughed and talked about anything they could think of.

When the soup was finished, Bill climbed onto the couch, and he motioned for Y/N to join him in the couch. As soon as he got closer to the couch, Bill grabbed his hand and pulled him down into the couch with him. Bill wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist as he snuggled himself closer to him.

Y/N looked up at Bill with the biggest smile on his face. He leaned down and kissed Bill's lips. He pulled away and rested his head on Bill's chest.

"You're the best boyfriend a guy could ask for."
"Aw, Y/N. You're the best boyfriend a guy could ask for.

Y/N felt sleep began to over take his body. He smiled as dreams of him and Bill flossed his dreams. Bill held tightly into Y/N as he drifted to sleep. Bill smiled to himself, and thought that there was no where else he'd rather be. He loved Y/N and nothing was ever going to change that.

(I'm sorry it's so short 😭)

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