He's Not Worth It (Barry Berkman)

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Today was a beautiful Saturday, so Y/N and Barry decided that nice stroll through the park with their new son is what they both needed. Barry put the stroller together after you two had to find the instructions he said he didn't need.

The park was just a short walk from their house. Barry pushed the stroller and Y/N walked beside him with her arm interlocked with his. They were laughing and cracking jokes about how "suburban" they looked.

Once they arrived at the park, they sat on a bench that was conveniently placed in the shade. Barry pulled their son from the stroller and bounced him slightly on his knee.

"Who's daddy's handsome little man? You are! Yes you are!!"

Y/N smiled contently as she watched her husband interact with their son. She noticed how the baby looked some much like Barry. He had Barry's eyes color and hair color. Her son virtually looked nothing like her, and it didn't bother her one bit.

Y/N was pulled from her thoughts when she a man approach them. When she saw who it was, she tended up and grabbed Barry's hand, squeezing it tightly.

He was going to ask her if she was okay when he noticed the same man Y/N saw. Barry looked at her questioningly before turning his attention to the man.

"Hey man. Can I help you?"
"Hey, yeah. I just wanted to come over say hey to Y/N. How have you been?"

Y/N looked over at Barry and gulped. She started to slightly shake as she turned her gaze back to man standing in front of her.

"I-I've been good. How about you, Derek?"

Derek was Y/N's ex-boyfriend. He was abusive, physically and mentally. He was also constantly cheating on her with other women.

Once Y/N said his name, Barry jolted suddenly and sat up straight pulling her closer to him.

"That's good."
"I think you should go now."

Y/N broke her gaze away from Derek to look over at Barry. His jaw was clenched and his face was starting to turn red.

"What did you say to me?"
"I said I think you should go now."

Barry handed the baby to Y/N and stood up. His fists were clenched tight and he took a step closer to Derek.

"And what if I don't? What are you gonna do about it?"
"Trust me, dude. You don't want to know."

Y/N's eyes widened as she heard Barry speak. She knew his past and knew what he was capable of doing. She quickly buckled the baby into the stroller and pulled Barry's arm.

"Come on, Barry. Let's go."
"But he hurt you Y/N and he deserved to feel the same hurt he gave you."
"He's not worth it. Please, let's go."

Y/N looked at Barry with pleading eyes. He  looked at her with sadden eyes. She knew how much Barry wanted to protect her and keep her and their son safe.

Barry cleared his throat and leaned toward Derek.

"If you ever come anywhere near Y/N or our son, I swear to God. I will fucking kill you and I won't think twice about it."

Barry whispered this so Y/N couldn't hear. He straighten himself and walked over to Y/N, leaving Derek standing there with a shocked expression.

As they started walking away, Y/N looked back to notice that Derek was still standing in the position. She chuckled a little and Barry looked down at her smiling.

"I don't think he'll be a problem anymore
"What did you say to make him freeze like that?"
"It's not important. What is important this that you and our son are safe. I'll do anything and everything to make sure of that. I love you and him and I don't know what I'd do with out the both of you."

Y/N stopped walking and looked at Barry, staring into his eyes. He pulled her towards him and kissed her.  She pulled away and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you too, Barry. I still want to know what you told him."
"Maybe I'll tell or maybe I won't."

He gave her a playful wink and smiled widely. He didn't know what he did to deserve such a wonderful wife and beautiful son, but he was grateful for the both of them, and he wound whatever it took to keep them safe.   

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